Royalist or Republican

I'm no royalist. I never have been. I remember learning the words of our national anthem aged 9 or so and thinking she isn't going to want God to save me, so I'm not going to want God to save her.

All that scraping and bowing never did it for me. I'm not bowing to anybody.

She's got big tits though, for a 7 pinter.

Do you mean this Queen liz?


Or maybe this Liz


No, you mean this one (nsfw)

God, shave the Queen!

I don't think a monarchy embodies any values that are practiced and preached in a modern day society. It's unlikely to change because of 'istry and the alleged esteem that some other countries hold us in because of it. I'd certainly fuck the House of Lords off in a heartbeat.
I couldn't label myself as a republican. However, I would like to see an end to the civil list, they're rich enough they should pay their own fucking way. I'd take most of the land too, the crown jewels and all the gifts they've received as heads of state. Then I'd abolish the House of Lords, free loading cunts. It's a fucking disgrace that a bunch of cunts can overrule a law made by a democratically elected government.
So; you're a republican then, yeah?
The idea of royalty is repulsive to me, and although we might not be as far a long, or even be here as British people as we are now hadn't we had our kings and queens, even if our history had been bloodier and more painful, I still can't help being fundamentally opposed to it. It might have been necessary in the past, but surely we have outgrown it now. I don't find the net benefit argument persuasive enough to change my view.

One word answer he said!

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