Royalist or Republican

There a benefit for the UK and do loads of work promoting our country worldwide. So a Royalist but share a lot of the Republican sentiment.
Get rid of the outdated royaly and all the Earls Dukes etc

take away all their hundreds of thousands of acres like Balmoral, Sandrigham etc let ordinary people enjoy them sell the crown jewels to some sheik and build some new hospitals

Its all daft bollocks that upholds the ancient class system, no-one should be born as anyone's better, and I wouldnt bow to anyone.

The tourists will still flock to London to see the historic buildings, just like they do in Paris.
The idea of royalty is repulsive to me, and although we might not be as far a long, or even be here as British people as we are now hadn't we had our kings and queens, even if our history had been bloodier and more painful, I still can't help being fundamentally opposed to it. It might have been necessary in the past, but surely we have outgrown it now. I don't find the net benefit argument persuasive enough to change my view.

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