RSC has a injured?

scowy68 said:
moomba said:
That's not really fickle is it, if people who didn't rate him turned around and said he was great after one good game that would be fickle.

In my experience on here the past few years, the reason people still get stick after good games is entirely due to the number of "I told you so" posts after a player who isn't rated has a good game. It was, and remains the same with former manager. Good or bad result and one side of the debate or the other use that as an excuse to start it up again.

You see it here with RSC, scores a tap in and has a decent game and I reckon half the people commenting about it are having a go at people who (quite rightly IMO) have been critical of his signing and contribution to the team.

And the old arguments get made over and over.

I don't dislike RSC in any way, I thought and think he was a waste of money and a bit of a farcical signing. I am very pleased he played well in a great result.

A tap in as you put it can be just as important to the cause as a 30 yard pile driver,you don't get any extra for scoring a spectacular goal,the fact that he was in a position to score that tap in is credit to him.

The lad has been unlucky with injuries which makes it difficult to judge how good a player he is,he didn't have a great game last week when he came on against Sunderland but his presence certainly allowed us to get in the game a bit more and take some of the pressure of Tevez.
He makes City play better as a team, and can score all types of goals. If he has a run in the team he;d get plenty of goals. He was unplayable when he linked up with Bentley at Blackburn, and a similar partnership with Johnson is possible.

But Tevez has to start as does Bellamy so that makes it difficult for Santa Cruz
Well now that its been established that RSC had nothing more than cramp (see Citys website and his interview) perhaps some of you whinging gets will lay off him.
He proved himself at Blackburn and everyone was ranting what a great player he was at the time.You don,t suddenly become a bad player overnight.
OK the guy has been very unlucky with injuries,but I don,t see many posts on here slagging Johnno off.How many games as he played over the past 2 years ??
Technically,I think RSC is a far better player than Ade,holds the ball up better,has a greater knowledge of where his team mates are etc.
Give RSC a break for Christs sake.
Only needs a few more games to increase his fitness level and he,ll be flying.
Mike D said:
Here we go yet another injury yet another excuse for why he's so sh*t. Part of me thinks the guy is faking it big time to get that all important sympathy vote, because deep down he knows that we all know he ain't good enough at this level.
Part of me, no, all of me, thinks you're a twat.
Mike D said:
Here we go yet another injury yet another excuse for why he's so sh*t. Part of me thinks the guy is faking it big time to get that all important sympathy vote, because deep down he knows that we all know he ain't good enough at this level.

Can I make a suggestion ???
You,d be better off going over to the Swamp and whinging there !!
You,d feel at home with Fergie,another whinging twat !!!!!
TAXI for BLUE WHINGER aka YOU mouth almighty !!!
Do you ever have anything positive to say about your Blues ???
I cannot believe there are so many people being so negative about RSC's ability. Clearly there are issues regarding signing a player who had such a bad injury record but that is not his fault. In terms of his performances, well aside from the fact that he probably hasn't even been fully match fit yet this season, I thought he did pretty well against Sunderland and really well yesterday. You have to look at how the team plays as a unit with him in it rather than thinking he is shit because he doesn't do step overs and skin opponents. I sometimes think people would like to have 11 Robinhos playing and get shat on every week rather than try to actually build a team.

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