Ruining Football Since 2008 Flag Trouble?

i think the flag is mint!

anyone who doesnt shouldnt support us, piss off to the stretford end with all the other foreigners who dont understand how irony is spelt.
A couple of points and they kind of mirror what jrb was saying.

We get enough negative press as it is so I can't really see what additional harm the flag does. Also, as jrb rightly points out, there are far more offensive flags and banners on display at some of the top Italian clubs. I remember when Liverpool played Juve in Turin a few years back and the Juve fans had a huge banner referring to the Hillsborough disaster, something which was a million times more offensive than a flag that hits back at some of the wankers in the media.

As for the club not banning journalists, well as much as I don't like him Baconface doesn't hesitate in banning anyone from The Swamp for penning what he deems to be negative stuff about the Rags. I feel City should send a message out to all journalists that constructive criticism of the club is fine, but despicable unfounded attacks along the lines of the shite regularly spouted by pond-life like Michael Calvin will result in a banning.
peacefrog said:
m27 said:
Peacefrog, if you like the flag then that should be the end of it. I like the flag and if our owner, Chairman or Garry Cook don't like it then I totally disagree with them and think they are totally missing the point.

Do you think it should stay or not? You, not anyone else.

You see I don't think it's that simple though. I might think some racist jokes are funny but I wouldn't then go and say it in front of someone I thought it might offended. I know it's not quite the same thing but you can see what I'm getting at.

I genuinely can't.

You sound like you have no fucking idea what you like, or more to the point, what you should like.

I'm sorry I swore. I acknowledge that might have offended you.
I no the lad who's banner it is and it's definatley a tongue in cheek banner. anyone who thinks the owners would be offended by the banner are retarded. It's humour, something that use to appreciated on the terrace. Personally I think the club should let us put up what banners we want
disco dancer said:
I no the lad who's banner it is and it's definatley a tongue in cheek banner. anyone who thinks the owners would be offended by the banner are retarded. It's humour, something that use to appreciated on the terrace. Personally I think the club should let us put up what banners we want

Unfortunately, from what I've just been told, it seems the order to take it down came from our own and the Police were just as bemused as us.

m27 said:
peacefrog said:
You see I don't think it's that simple though. I might think some racist jokes are funny but I wouldn't then go and say it in front of someone I thought it might offended. I know it's not quite the same thing but you can see what I'm getting at.

I genuinely can't.

You sound like you have no fucking idea what you like, or more to the point, what you should like.

I'm sorry I swore. I acknowledge that might have offended you.

You can't? hmmm... I didn't think it was that difficult. I would suggest you try again but there probably isn't much point.

Swear all you like. You couldn't offend me if you tried.
peacefrog said:
m27 said:
I genuinely can't.

You sound like you have no fucking idea what you like, or more to the point, what you should like.

I'm sorry I swore. I acknowledge that might have offended you.

You can't? hmmm... I didn't think it was that difficult. I would suggest you try again but there probably isn't much point.

Swear all you like. You couldn't offend me if you tried.

I bet I could.

Anyway, a racist joke is offensive no matter which way you look at it.

The banner in question is only offensive if you're thick.

The fact that you like the banner but are worried about what the thick people think staggers me.

That is all.
Can I add, in the interest of balance, that Her Majesty the Queen is, apparently, a gooner.

The flag?

A bit pointless, in my opinion, but it doesn't deserve a ban.
Cant say i have a problem with the banner but don't find it that funny really. Much rather we had a banner that stayed away from money side of things.

To be chucked out is a nonsense, if the club want it taken down fine but to chuck him out? Harsh to say the least.

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