Run in 2012 v 2014 - better or worse ? - last 10 games

kenzie115 said:
sir baconface said:
It will be lost on slip-ups and won on adrenalin. Mentality is more important than the fixture list on the final furlong.
Which is why I still think Liverpool will fade. They've won 7 on the bounce, they're not going to win another 7 (only one team has ever done this in the history of the Premier League, Arsenal in 2002) and I think once they drop points in one game their bottle will go and they'll lose/draw another couple. Very few of their players have title run-in experience and I think it will tell.

You could see signs of them showing nerves last night. They don't have the confidence us and Chelsea have and I think that will be the problem for them.

Even if they beat us they would still have to win every game to have a chance... can't see it happening.
Our experience in the Championship winning season (8 points behind with 6 games left) will stand us in good stead. None of the other teams have that kind of experience. The fact remains if we win all our remaining games we are Champions.
We know we can't drop as many points as we did before the last 6 games in 2012. The players know exactly what is required and a win on Saturday would really put is in the driving seat, when you get into a single figure amount of games left in the season you can just win and win. Momentum is everything and we're hitting our stride at just the right time.

Worth baring in mind that Chelsea still have to play a minimum of 2 CL games so could easily drop points in the following days. At the same time I don't think our players should be thinking about that, if we win all our games barring one then we win the league.
Saturday is the biggest game of the season. If we win then it takes the pressure off the Liverpool and Everton away games. If we don't win, then going to Anfield and Goodison become must win games, and leaves us with very little margin for error.

I genuinely think with the way we are playing though that we're going to smash Arsenal to pieces. As Bacon said above, it's going to come down to mentality and personality, and how many of the Arsenal players have got it? Maybe Mertesacker. How many of ours? Hart, Zabba, Kompany, Fernandinho, Yaya, Silva, we're brimming with players who thrive on the big occasion and know how to win. Even more than Chelsea, which many are saying is their big strength.

Huge game on Saturday, and I think it's going to be another brilliant night for us.
Shaelumstash said:
Saturday is the biggest game of the season. If we win then it takes the pressure off the Liverpool and Everton away games. If we don't win, then going to Anfield and Goodison become must win games, and leaves us with very little margin for error.

I genuinely think with the way we are playing though that we're going to smash Arsenal to pieces. As Bacon said above, it's going to come down to mentality and personality, and how many of the Arsenal players have got it? Maybe Mertesacker. How many of ours? Hart, Zabba, Kompany, Fernandinho, Yaya, Silva, we're brimming with players who thrive on the big occasion and know how to win. Even more than Chelsea, which many are saying is their big strength.

Huge game on Saturday, and I think it's going to be another brilliant night for us.

Every other season in recent memory I'd have been really worried v Arsenal away. This time I feel we will be really up for it, specially if the spirit shown against Hull and the rags is anything to go by. If so, 6/6 points from the swamp and the Emirates could put us in unstoppable mode.
This game against the Arse is huge. A win here and we will be in really good shape for the run-in. We could almost afford a slip-up at Liverpool although I would be ecstatic with a draw there as long as we take care of business at home and at Palace.
sir baconface said:
Shaelumstash said:
Saturday is the biggest game of the season. If we win then it takes the pressure off the Liverpool and Everton away games. If we don't win, then going to Anfield and Goodison become must win games, and leaves us with very little margin for error.

I genuinely think with the way we are playing though that we're going to smash Arsenal to pieces. As Bacon said above, it's going to come down to mentality and personality, and how many of the Arsenal players have got it? Maybe Mertesacker. How many of ours? Hart, Zabba, Kompany, Fernandinho, Yaya, Silva, we're brimming with players who thrive on the big occasion and know how to win. Even more than Chelsea, which many are saying is their big strength.

Huge game on Saturday, and I think it's going to be another brilliant night for us.

Every other season in recent memory I'd have been really worried v Arsenal away. This time I feel we will be really up for it, specially if the spirit shown against Hull and the rags is anything to go by. If so, 6/6 points from the swamp and the Emirates could put us in unstoppable mode.

Yeh I agree mate. The Arsenal away in 2012 I was convinced we were going to lose. I loved Balotelli, but at that particular time he just seemed ready to explode, and the whole thing would come tumbling down. It was a horrible, horrible day that, Easter Sunday and we went 8 points behind the Shite.

This time though, things couldn't be more different. We seem like a really happy camp, but on top of that we've got our steely determination back. I think the Chelsea loss and the Hull away games have been absolutely pivotal for us this season. I think the Chelsea game was a bit of a wake up for Pellers that we need to go out a bit more solid against good teams, and the Hull game was the players showing they had the character and the fight to win during a tough moment.

Tuesday it all came together, I can't ever remember us outclassing The Shite like that before. David Silva was just playing football from another planet. I think Arsenal are really low on confidence after the Chelsea hammering, and I think the last thing they need is a visit from us. We're just coming in to form at the right time, whereas Chelsea are stuttering, and Liverpool surely can't keep their current form up and are due a slip (they've won the last 7).

Saturday is the big one for me, win that and I don't think there's any stopping us.
Shaelumstash said:
sir baconface said:
Shaelumstash said:
Saturday is the biggest game of the season. If we win then it takes the pressure off the Liverpool and Everton away games. If we don't win, then going to Anfield and Goodison become must win games, and leaves us with very little margin for error.

I genuinely think with the way we are playing though that we're going to smash Arsenal to pieces. As Bacon said above, it's going to come down to mentality and personality, and how many of the Arsenal players have got it? Maybe Mertesacker. How many of ours? Hart, Zabba, Kompany, Fernandinho, Yaya, Silva, we're brimming with players who thrive on the big occasion and know how to win. Even more than Chelsea, which many are saying is their big strength.

Huge game on Saturday, and I think it's going to be another brilliant night for us.

Every other season in recent memory I'd have been really worried v Arsenal away. This time I feel we will be really up for it, specially if the spirit shown against Hull and the rags is anything to go by. If so, 6/6 points from the swamp and the Emirates could put us in unstoppable mode.

Yeh I agree mate. The Arsenal away in 2012 I was convinced we were going to lose. I loved Balotelli, but at that particular time he just seemed ready to explode, and the whole thing would come tumbling down. It was a horrible, horrible day that, Easter Sunday and we went 8 points behind the Shite.

This time though, things couldn't be more different. We seem like a really happy camp, but on top of that we've got our steely determination back. I think the Chelsea loss and the Hull away games have been absolutely pivotal for us this season. I think the Chelsea game was a bit of a wake up for Pellers that we need to go out a bit more solid against good teams, and the Hull game was the players showing they had the character and the fight to win during a tough moment.

Tuesday it all came together, I can't ever remember us outclassing The Shite like that before. David Silva was just playing football from another planet. I think Arsenal are really low on confidence after the Chelsea hammering, and I think the last thing they need is a visit from us. We're just coming in to form at the right time, whereas Chelsea are stuttering, and Liverpool surely can't keep their current form up and are due a slip (they've won the last 7).

Saturday is the big one for me, win that and I don't think there's any stopping us.

Absolutely mate, and not just cos its the next game.

It will take so much pressure off us in the Anfield game if we can win tomorrow
Re: Run in 2012 v run in 2014 - better or worse - last 10

Lancet Fluke said:
NoahCity said:
Win at Arsenal and draw at Anfield and we should be good. Not too concerned about slipping up in other games, even though I should be.

Been saying it for weeks, Palace away worries me more than Arsenal away.

Palace were lucky to lose at the Etihad - super saves by Hart kept it to 1:0
Liverpool wont take 6 points from us and Chelsea and they are due an Arsenal drop in form plus injuries - I hope
Chelsea + Maureen - just hope Champs League takes it toll

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