Well-Known Member
I have been steadily increasing distance in preparation for a half marathon, and have managed to get up to 10k, with the aim of increasing 1km every week. I have only been able to do 2 runs a week, 5k and then a longer distance at the weekend. I would like to be able to run more, lets say 4-5k every Tuesday and Thursday, with a longer run at the weekend, but have been struggling with recovery in between runs. My Achilles have been painful, and possibly suffering from tendonitis, which makes it impossible to stay consistent with a training plan.
Has anyone else suffered from this and have any advice for recovery and prevention in the future? I have been advised to do eccentric heel drops twice a day, which should cause microtrauma which in turn increases collagen deposition to aid repair.
Is it worth my while to get my running gait checked, can a change in trainers make a difference?
Do you stretch mate? Also do you do a gentle warm up or are you straight into your runs?
I'd strongly recommend both, warm up, slight stretch, proper run then stretch after.
Edit. which half are you doing?