Depends what your goals are. Your reference to extra pounds suggests it's about losing fat? If so, there are two ways that running can help with this:
1) Slow, easy runs in the aerobic zones are good for burning fat. You should be able to easily hold a conversation for the whole run. I wouldn't aim to knacker yourself; just allow the distances to gradually build up over time.
2) High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is also very effective for fat loss but it shouldn't be done very frequently - perhaps once a week. Warm up for a mile or two, then go almost flat out, then recover, then repeat. Typical approaches are 4 minutes of fast intervals (90% of max. effort) with a gentle jog to recover - repeat 4 times. Another approach is building up over time until you can run 10 x 400m (1/4 of a mile), again, with a recovery between each repeat.
Running in the morning before breakfast burns significantly more fat so that's a bit of an easy cheat if you want to go down that road.
One important thing to remember, though, is that it's laughably easy to out-eat any exercise you do. If you're setting out to lose fat by running, you have to be disciplined and not make up for it by eating too many calories. Dieting is WAY more effective than exercise for fat-loss.
Hope there's something useful in there.