Running thread

Its a real shame now when you here these great times the first question you think is has another super shoe been invented rather than focus on the achievement.

Not sure how they regulate the shoes but it seems like they play do big a part nowadays.

Apparently Adidas have some super shoes which cost 400 quid a pop and only designed to wear once.
Yep the adidas Pro evo are supposedly going to be £500 , for one run it's madness but they will sell.
I agree mate. It's a shame because all you will get is folk banging on about the shoes, but they fail to take into account the amount of training and having the ability to be able to do what kipchoge and now kiptum do, the shoes do give a little edge but them guys are just superhuman
Yep the adidas Pro evo are supposedly going to be £500 , for one run it's madness but they will sell.
I agree mate. It's a shame because all you will get is folk banging on about the shoes, but they fail to take into account the amount of training and having the ability to be able to do what kipchoge and now kiptum do, the shoes do give a little edge but them guys are just superhuman

Yes totally agree. I went to Vienna to see Kipchoge go sub 2 hours and it was an incredible experience.

The way Kipchoge trains and conducts himself speaks volumes about the bloke. Living in sparse accommodation in Iten with other runners. Cooking, cleaning running as a collective. Such a humble bloke and a complete contrast to a lot of successful sportsmen.

It is defo one of the best things about running. All the Ultra runners are really down to earth but you can see commercialism sneaking in and I wonder if the next generation of runners might be different. Ironman have bought rights to the UTMB and so to qualify now you have to ‘earn’ running stones, which you can only gain by running other affiliated events. Great earner for Ironman but not really in the spirit of the Ultra world.
Tough session tonight. Intervals at 8/9 out of 10 effort.

8x1 minute with one minute recovery followed by 8x30 secs with thirty seconds recovery followed by 8x20 seconds with twenty second recovery. Only added up to around 5K of structured running but I was absolutely shattered.

Not used to this fast running especially after a half marathon on Sunday.
I've upped my training runs from one to two a week (as well as my regular Saturday Parkrun and two swims a week).
Everything seems to be coming together now in terms of the weather, my weight loss having kick started again after a few months of plateauing, and actually enjoying getting out and running.
For months I've been running and looking at cadence without having a clue what it meant(I thought it was just something to do with the gradient of the ground or something similar) When I read up on it I was surprised what it was. Its about your running style, steps you take(amongst other things) So I looked at my cadence 3 or 4 month ago and it was 167 to 172 for my 3/5 km runs. Tonight I've just ran 6km with a cadence of 181. I was taking longer strides at the start thinking it was better because I'd be using less energy and it'd be faster, but I've found out it's not.
For months I've been running and looking at cadence without having a clue what it meant(I thought it was just something to do with the gradient of the ground or something similar) When I read up on it I was surprised what it was. Its about your running style, steps you take(amongst other things) So I looked at my cadence 3 or 4 month ago and it was 167 to 172 for my 3/5 km runs. Tonight I've just ran 6km with a cadence of 181. I was taking longer strides at the start thinking it was better because I'd be using less energy and it'd be faster, but I've found out it's not.
Had a ‘very interesting’ chat about cadence with a mate of mine the other week. He’s a competitive triathlete and marathon runner. He looks at cadence as a key indicator of a runners ability - apparently anything around 180 average is decent and also suggests an efficient running style.
I think you might be on the right track :)
Not posted on this thread for a while since the last marathon I ran. Its a great thread and reading through a few pages its great to see the mix of runners on here and what people can achieve, whether its starting up or trying to beat Personal Bests etc...

I'm back in the swing of things and probably been at my fittest for a long time. I was plagued with injuries with my knees but since turning to the knee over toes guy and buying his book its had a massive transformation for me and i carry out his exercises 3 times a week. I also do 10 mins of Yoga a day as well

I've also changed my technique and some simple adjustments has made a massive difference. There is a women called Helen Hall who is an inspiration (Search her videos on you tube and she gives some great advice). The best one for me is head stacking. I used to have my head down when running but after watching her videos i realised the importance of running with your head up. It has a huge knock on effect on the rest of your body and muscles can start to work in sync. I've recently bought her book "even with your shoes on" its a great read so far!

After a couple of marathons I've focused on shorter runs now but will probably aim for a marathon again in the next couple of years. I've been focusing on HIIT sessions , 5 miler's and a longer run once a week . George Groves the boxer has a podcast and introduced me to a routine he does called "shreds" Its basically mimicking boxing rounds to any cardio regime. Its basically going flat out as to whatever cardio regime you do (Running for me) and going full pelt for 3 mins then having a 1 minute jog and then back for another round of 3 minutes and rest for a minute and so on and so on. The name of the game is to see how many rounds you can do. I managed my PB last week of 12 rounds .

Good luck with everyone in their running pursuits. Its great for the mind and well being!

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