I'm 48 and and started running mid January. Not ran since school days etc. Over 15 stone! (short arse as well, so not good shape), but don't smoke.
I'm very active through my job which involves ladders and constantly walking around and lifting. So thought i was fairly fit. (for my age)
Instead of reading up first, i just drove up to Dovestones Reservoir and started jogging. Fuck me i nearly passed out within a minute.
I walked until i caught my breath, and then jogged a bit more.
The total distance was 3.2k and it took me 33 mins. The weird thing is i had no leg pain/ache during or afterwards. It was all my breathing (or lack of it!)
Realised i needed i bit of advice and read up a bit. Yes , i had got it all wrong. Too much too soon.
I've stuck at it, and try to go three times a week if my job allows. Two months later i'm now sub 20 mins for 3.5k. I no longer need to walk, and last week was the first time i felt in control of my breathing. I must admit, i did begin to wonder what the fuss about running was. All i wanted to do was stop the minute i started running!
Somehow my weight had started to go up a bit! WTF? I think i thought because i was running, i could now eat a bit more. So for the last two weeks i have controlled my diet. The weight has started to rapidly fall off.
My next target is to run for 5k. Not worried about the time. I just want to be in control breath wise.
I did take some advice about joint damage, as i was diagnosed with early onset Osteoarthritis a few years a go. That actually turned out to be caused by nothing more than severe dehydration. The official line is that moderate running can actually be of benefit to the joints. 30 mins three times a week will not cause me any problems.
Early days but loving that feeling "after" a run. Feeling much fitter and it's helping in my job.