
I'm aware we all come from Africa..I was giving you the benefit of the doubt when you said Humans become apex predators and thought you might have been alluding to when humans started spreading out around the world(and in doing so caused a mass extinction) not when we were still fucking apes ffs. Humans were never apex though anyway so pot kettle black on the suggesting to do some reading.
Ok humanoid then. Why would I allude to a load of nonsense?
I referred to homo erectus so there's no confusing that is there?
Did a half marathon yesterday.
Struggling to walk today.

Stretch mate after, started running a few times a week 12 months ago. Struggled at first with 5k, calves were always sore, got a foam roller and used that on them plus stretched out routinely and no issues whatsoever now. Run approximately 30 miles per week over 3 sessions, doing Wilmslow half this Sunday aiming for 1.45 and then the Manchester full on April 8th which i want to do in 3.45, anything under 4 hours and i'll be happy though.

It's addictive and just love the freedom and seems to really help with any stress. Feel fitter at almost 50 than i did at 30!!

Triathlon next.
6 weeks until I have to run 26.2 miles around London...
How's the training going? Any goals for time? I'm hoping to the find the pacer that gets you round in 3:56 as I've done 2 marathons to date and both times did it in 4:08, so I'm determined to do sub-4 this time around.
6 weeks until I have to run 26.2 miles around London...

I did the Loch Ness marathon a couple of years back. Got to 20 miles thinking "this isn't so bad" then POW, everything from my hips down went into meltdown.

Snowdon Race goes on sale at midnight tonight. I'll be staying up to try and get one of the 400 places.
Im mid 30's and cannot run 100m.. play 5 a-side occasionally and I'm dead after 20mins despite my will to run.

Taking up running might be my only option.... is the couch to 5k thing any good?
would love to be able to run a decent long distance, but bores the shite out of me and am not the fittest. funny though the same distance covered during a 11 a side football game and its doable.
Im mid 30's and cannot run 100m.. play 5 a-side occasionally and I'm dead after 20mins despite my will to run.

Taking up running might be my only option.... is the couch to 5k thing any good?
Yes it is. A blue I know did that last year, he's caught the running bug now, he's up to 10 milers, and lost a shit load of weight. Win win.
Im mid 30's and cannot run 100m.. play 5 a-side occasionally and I'm dead after 20mins despite my will to run.

Taking up running might be my only option.... is the couch to 5k thing any good?
Depending where you live, Park Run is a good way of getting into running, worked for me. Every Sat morning at 9.00am for a 5k, I do the Heaton Park one most Saturdays and then do Worsley, Bolton if I fancy a change or Heaton is cancelled. I’m up to nearly 120 now, every week is timed properly and get your results via text/email. It’s great.

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