Russian Fans

green pennies said:
Unknown_Genius said:
green pennies said:
No I read you loud and clear.. I just don't know what to make of your false equivalence/value judgement that things are just as racist now, and in fact worse off, than when things were out in the open. On top of that you think it's legitimized now to be an underground racist?

so let me get this straight... the mainstream (and what does that even mean really? mainstream media? your friends and family?) views you as strange or rebellious if you are not a secret/sinister racist? these secret sinister racists sound dangerous. best not leave your house for fear of the secret sinister racists. (or let them out of your head, perhaps) what with their table manners and polite match-going behavior.

oh, if we could only go back 20 years when the racists were uncouth, then things would be more black and wh... oh.. well I guess things have gotten better haven't they.

We've made a shitload of progress, our kids will barely even see race (though I will grant you that there is evolutionary basis for fear of the different.. but keep in mind - we are always evolving), and that's why these few (but disproportionately loud) knobs in Eastern Europe stick in our craw so much; we're moving on, and they're trying to drag us back.

To answer your first question, it is acceptable to hold views that are racist in nature, because its not seen as racist. I never used the term 'underground racist' which brings up an impression of someone who posts racist stuff on Stormfront away from the eyes of his friends/family. What I'm referring to is the whole "I'm not racist, but..." attitude, which is common, and is generally on the whole seen as okay. By the mainstream, I'm referring to lots of different things, the media, the Sun is the most popular newspaper in the UK, a paper which demonises certain groups of people, promotes ignorance, prints false stories, and stops just short of advocating violence against these people. Look on facebook, and you find groups which tell certain people that if "they don't like it, then fuck off", or if you show supposed 'disrespect' you should be sent home. Instead of these attitudes being seen as negative, its now seen as love of your country. The worrying thing is, I've seen lots of my friends join these fb groups. There was no such thing as the EDL 20 years ago, and what was the BNP then was on its arse. There's been a rise in questions on Britishness, and identity, and this just feeds far right agenda's, because certain groups are seen as not belonging, or shouldn't belong.

We've havent made a shitload of progress. The only things thats changed is its now seen as unacceptable to chuck bananas at black footballers, and make monkey noises. Racism has just merely changed its form in society.

After reading your comments, I have come to the conclusion that you and I are on the same team here.

Just one question: You don't think that maybe this is just a transitional phase? Like maybe it goes from banana chucking to ignorant facebook groups to just in the back of people's heads to not there at all?

Maybe I'm being silly, but I'm hopeful.

Now these yokels at Euro are going to go and curbstomp all over my hope.

I would love that to happen, but I'm pretty pessimistic about it.
Mikecini said:
MSP said:
video here:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

war zone

The guy in the first video got twated by the riot police, I think. Watch from 30 seconds on.


Serves him right, the shithouse prick

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