Russian invasion of Ukraine

Another ukranian school sheltering civilians has been hit , that must be every school, church and every tower block destroyed , not targeting civilians though ..bastard cunts

Not sorry vicar
Getting the backs up of the Russian public? Winding up the enemy?
Putin’s rhetoric doesn’t need any feeding from anyone.

Think of how the Ukrainians are being bombed, sorry, I mean wound up.
I wonder what 9th of May wind up parade is going to take place in Moscow.

I really don’t think any wind up is the priority of the Ukrainian people.
Great reply to a cretinous post.
First of all can I say that I don't want to cause trouble when I ask what I'm about to ask, Putin did a terrible thing on 24th February and we should support Ukraine as should other countries too. But the thing is, today I read that Britain has pledged an extra £1.3 billion in military support to Ukraine.

Who is paying for this? Or is it part of the foreign aid budget?

I remember being shocked some time ago when I read - I can't recall the exact details - that it was around 2002 when the UK paid off the last installment of money owed to America for WWII !!!

So when all this is over and hopefully Ukraine can become a free sovereign state and one that is well resourced in natural materials that other countries are willing to pay for, will they pay us back?

Or is this money being given to Ukraine in the hope that Russia doesn't take control of their country and deny access to grain and other resources to anyone who helped Ukraine at this time?

P.S. On the resource issue I just can't comprehend how Germany/Hungary and others are still buying gas off Russia (even us a little bit, too) we are in effect bankrolling Russia in their attack on Ukraine whilst simultaneously sending money and arms to Ukraine to fight back!

The world is going mad.

P.P.S. What is this war doing to the issue of Global Warming too, nobody seems to say anything about that, tanks don't do many miles per gallon, that's for certain!

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