Russian invasion of Ukraine

The UK attacking invading Russian forces in either of Sweden or Finland’s territory won’t be us being the aggressor or trigger a NATO response should Russia attack our forces in either Sweden or Finland territory. Should Russia attack the UK then it would trigger a collective NATO response.

Whilst I think it’s absolutely the right thing to do to support Finland and Sweden during their full transition in to NATO I do wonder if this guarantee is more likely to encourage some limited Russian aggression against Finland or Sweden to provoke a limited response from UK and have a better narrative in Russia for that **** Putin.
I meant us as the aggressor in terms of triggering a NATO response, ie in the scenario I stated it wouldn't. I think we agree :)

Your second paragraph is also along the lines of what I was thinking, if he does intend aggression towards Finland or Sweden, it's likely to happen before they join NATO, which potentially leaves us on our own in having pledged support
I meant us as the aggressor in terms of triggering a NATO response, ie in the scenario I stated it wouldn't. I think we agree :)

Your second paragraph is also along the lines of what I was thinking, if he does intend aggression towards Finland or Sweden, it's likely to happen before they join NATO, which potentially leaves us on our own in having pledged support
Also, the likelihood that their application would fail as I believe a condition of acceptance is that there are no border issues
Our army in its entirety is 148,000 strong.

Thats our regular army, RN and RAF. Frontline strength is somewhat less but this is/was the peace dividend. Worth noting this is nothing new, we had a small standing armed force just before the outset of WW2, around 200,000 - again because of the peace dividend and similar arguments were being made about how we couldn’t fight a war.
if you click on it the link unblurs.

CNN footage of Russian soldiers shooting civilian in the back, I didn't watch the whole thing though.
You should, one of the totally innocent Ukraine guys is killed instantly, the other struggles and gets to an office. He phones for help but basically bleeds to death. This is the reality of war, it isn't John Wayne in The Longest Day.
Thats our regular army, RN and RAF. Frontline strength is somewhat less but this is/was the peace dividend. Worth noting this is nothing new, we had a small standing armed force just before the outset of WW2, around 200,000 - again because of the peace dividend and similar arguments were being made about how we couldn’t fight a war.
You don’t need to tell him that. He fought in it.
we had a small standing armed force just before the outset of WW2, around 200,000 - again because of the peace dividend and similar arguments were being made about how we couldn’t fight a war.

TBF the arguments were largely correct, the BEF had to be evacuated from Dunkirk, and if Germany had pressed their advantage at that time the war could have been over far sooner than it was, and with a very different outcome. That doesn't mean of course that the same scenario applies here. It seems technologically our and other western armies are leagues ahead of Putins rabble, which as said above negates the advantage of numbers
From daily report.

“The situation is reportedly slowly escalating in the nearby Belgorod Oblast. Russian air defense has been active more than usual tonight, and locals also report flying jets”

Video of the Russian air defences working in that area - can’t see much but you can bet your life the Russians didn’t expect Ukraine to be in their airspace when they invade

Ukraine continues to push Russia back around Kharkiv. This isn’t a withdrawal by Russia as it was from around Kyiv but a full on retreat

Russian cunts attempting to encircle Ukrainian troops in Donbas region again. This is their 3rd attempt since start of war. First encirclement attempt was very large and failed due to lack of troops, second attempt was smaller but still pretty large and ambitiou and failed due to Ukrainian resistance and this attempt is much less ambitious in scale/size. Heavy fighting is reported around Sievierodonetsk.

Elsewhere, hot on the [so far] successes of the Kharkiv counteroffensive it looks like a Ukrainian counteroffensive to retake Izyum is underway.

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