Wonder what punishment options are available to the committeeFirst War crime trial today of Russian soldier that murdered 63 year old. Hope it's first of a very long line.
Prison will be enough....imagine being a Russian war criminal in a Ukrainian prison?Wonder what punishment options are available to the committee
Rather he was hanged, but prison prob most likely.Prison will be enough....imagine being a Russian war criminal in a Ukrainian prison?
This really is going bad for them. I saw the other day on twiter a map showing all the russian sim cards in Ukraine. Basically picking out where all the russian soliders were. If I can see that on twitter what else are the US and Europeans helping them to do from a tech point of view.That river crossing farce, see above somewhere, has apparently cost the Russians a whole Battalion, possibly 1,000 soldiers.
Oh dear, I hope no one was badly hurt.
He ain't accepting nothing mate.Rather he was hanged, but prison prob most likely.
I can see it kicking off as Putin has already stated he doesn't recognise or accept the war crimes governing body
Saw some footage on CNN some time ago of what they were pretty certain were mobile crematoriums as well to destroy the evidence - the utter **** then has the audacity says the following at the red square parade.He ain't accepting nothing mate.
Seen summat yesterday and basically,the Russian soldiers have no documents with them,they are taken off them.
Ukraine has asked for a DNA database so they can identify the dead.
Russia have refused and are refusing to accept any bodies back into Russia.
Thousands of them all on refrigerated trains.
Oh dear, I hope nobody got wet jumping into the water.Another Russian ship sunk off snake island.
Whatever it is it won't be harsh enough. Should hang, draw and quarter the cunts.