Russian invasion of Ukraine

The UK have been far from brilliant. They've relucantly started a scheme but made it nearly impossible to actually navigate. The "hostile environment" wanted by the hard right is still there.
The UK has been amazing supporting Ukrsine militarily.
Yes the refugee issue hasn't been good but that's our shite Civil Service for you who couldn't run a piss up in a brewery. A directive to allow 200,000 is in place yet only about 50k are here - not that far behind France on 70k.
Renember, we are also giving money to Poland and other border states to support the 5m+ refugees who are there (3.5m in Poland alone).
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Russia will try and grab as much land as it can - regardless of the number of casualties - till they are forced to go over to the defensive in late July when the fully NATO trained and equiped Ukrainian army nearly doubles in size.
I expect Russia to try and negotiate at that point at peak Donbas land grab before Ukrainian offensives August-October take place.

Pro-Putin journalist accidentally reveals position of Russian mega mortar in propaganda report... and Ukraine blows it up the next day​

  • Aleksandr Kots proudly showed off the 2S4 heavy mortar in propaganda report
  • He gave away the huge calibre mortar system's location in Rubizhne
  • The next day, Ukraine blew it up in the first confirmed loss of an 2S4.
Love it.
Putin fucked up big time, believing somehow that he could get away with invasion of The Ukraine.

As terrible as this event is - there are numerous silver linings:
* Finland and Sweden have awoken to the danger posed by Russia and will shortly join NATO
* The war is going terribly for Putin. There's some hope that he may be replaced by a more reasonable figure.
* The war has provided an issue that both Republicans and Democrats in the USA can agree.
* NATO is now perceived as absolutely necessary.
* The war has brought NATO nations much closer together.

With any luck Putin will soon be out of power (rumors are that he's suffering from cancer even if he's not assassinated) and Russian leadership will be replaced by someone much more receptive to the West.
Check out this video! A Russian's perspective of the "Special Military Operation."

This is a really great watch - offering the perspective of a Russian citizen - something I've not seen anywhere else.

@SWP's back, @FogBlueInSanFran - watch this video to the end - you'll thank me later.

The video starts off kind of slow - but bear with it. As it goes on, you see clearly what the narrator means. And the end of the video - is heartfelt. It seems that more Russians than I believe are really upset about Putin's Special Military Operation.

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The UK has been amazing supporting Ukrsine militarily.
Yes the refugee issue hasn't been good but that's our shite Civil Service for you who couldn't run a piss up in a brewery. A directive to allow 200,000 is in place yet only about 50k are here - not that far behind France on 70k.
Renember, we are also giving money to Poland and other border states to support the 5m+ refugees who are there (3.5m in Poland alone).
The Civil Service policy direction reflects the Government being elected on an anti immigration ticket.
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