That’s a cop out. You suggested one option was to leave the country and I asked how they would do that. You ducked. And I expect I am a lot older than you and remember a lot further back than Ceauescu. Berlin was a completely different situation: Gorbachev had already signalled publicly that the days of Russian tanks rolling in were over and that E.Germany was to be a thing of the past. It is not persuasive simply to pick random events from the past and draw false similies.Perhaps you are too young to remember Ceaușescu or the 5million people that protested in Berlin and led to the fall of Honeckers Dictatorship.
All I'm saying is that if the will of the people are behind it mass protests can and do bring down dictatorships.
So I ask again, how would a refusenik get out of the country?
A couple of hints for you.
1.These conscripts will be from the poorer areas of the cities as well to do people simply pay not to be conscripted.
2.You cannot leave the country without an exit visa.
3. Anyone boarding a plane that leaves the country or a long distance train needs documentation. Those that have already left are the rich or influential, not potential conscripts.
I look forward to your plan.