Russian invasion of Ukraine

North Eastern regions continuously being shelled from over the border,Russian border.
At what point do Ukraine retaliate?,do they go in?,what will the West say?
Anyone think that's what Russia is trying to goad Ukraine into doing?
Genuine questions.

Slava Ukraini
This is why I think Ukraine should be supplied with the longer range ammunitions. That way they can strike back at all the firing points.

I don't think it would go down well if Ukraine troops ventured onto Russian soil, as justified as they would be in doing so, mate.

Having said that, the odd special forces raid on specific military targets would be tolerated by the West, in my opinion.
North Eastern regions continuously being shelled from over the border,Russian border.
At what point do Ukraine retaliate?,do they go in?,what will the West say?
Anyone think that's what Russia is trying to goad Ukraine into doing?
Genuine questions.

Slava Ukraini

Be nice if Ukraine are given missles to destroy them tbh then maybe the reality of war will hit the ignorant Russian population when they are the ones being shelled.

Or shell them and deny it like the Kremlin does, play them at their own game.
Be nice if Ukraine are given missles to destroy them tbh then maybe the reality of war will hit the ignorant Russian population when they are the ones being shelled.

Or shell them and deny it like the Kremlin does, play them at their own game.
I think that’s what putin wants it then justifies everything to his people and he can look at nukes. If Ukraine just take back their soil putin is fucked
I love the tractor thing so much , everyone pitching in , i admire the ukranians so much

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