Russian invasion of Ukraine

Gaudion M

i think you’re right. It’s the biggest game of chess in recent history. Reading the article a few posts back makes you appreciate just how complicated the political and social situations are and personally I can’t begin to understand it / them. Potentially Ukraine is just a fuse to ignite the explosion. Putin may have fucked Russia as we see it today and China may end up as the big winner.

It certainly helps China to have the US having to look at more than just Chinese regional ambitions
It is when events such as this are ongoing that you really see the importance of the media and how it can inform, galvanise and unite....or blinker, control and divide.
And whilst (from my POV) it is a wonderful thing can that can educate us and allow us to form our own opinions (because this meands more to me ;-D) it does rely on the consumer of the media to start with a relatively open mind. I think that in itself can only come from a background where the individual has been exposed to a wide variety of news sources, cultures, experiences.
I think that when you have that interest and open mind you have a desire to learn more and seek out the latest news which is why this thread and others like it are superb. However, as was said a few pages back, so much of this is now fed by twitter where there is often no ability to check it (in fact or time). So this then gives the more established media sources issues as they do need to validate any news stories.

So it is only a "Special Military Operation"...yet they level whole towns and cities to to (try) and get what they want.
They claim to want to "de-nazify" yet a facist dictatorship is attacking a democracy
They support the death penalty for (claimed) mercenaries yet have "Private Military Companies" openly recruiting.

A case of if you say it often enough , (some) people will believe it.....
"It is a special military operation to De-nazify"
"The election was stolen"

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