Russian invasion of Ukraine

I suspect that the support the west is providing is more or less commensurate with Ukraine’s needs taking into account that training on the modern systems is time consuming and limits the rate that hardware can effectively be deployed. I suspect that some countries, such as Germany, should be doing more but it will only ever be a fraction of what the US is providing, and as long as the Americans don’t ease off I don’t think that additional hardware from other countries will make a huge difference. That’s not to say we shouldn’t all be doing everything we can.
One of the purposes of supplying Ukraine is political, to demonstrate support.
I suspect the technology employed on Russian subs to keep them undetectable has not evolved as quickly as the technology employed by western sub hunting assets to detect and track them.
You could hear Russian subs 300 miles away and that was in the 1980s. High tech quiet propulsion and sleek, noiseless hydrodynamics is not their bag. Don't believe everything you see in the movies! (Red October...)
Protests on the streets of Moscow, brave people. Perhaps they should only send out women and elderly - younger men arrested may be forced to enlist. Really, it doesn't sound very clever for morale, having anti-war activists - who willingly risked their freedom to protest - in your ranks.
My wife is currently in Russia visiting her family. She tells me that in Moscow life is as usual, nearly all the Western stores are closed and they cannot get luxury goods like Western perfume, mobiles etc.
She is now in her home town, about 2 hours flight from Moscow, she tells me the mood has changed recently after the bodies of young soldiers have started to return home, she was in the cemetery 3 days ago to visit her relatives and was shocked by the number of new graves with ruSSian flags flying over them (a sign of a soldiers grave) they had a look and were shocked at the ages of the guys.
The mobilisation call yesterday did not make the locals happy at all, they were shocked and saddened that more of their people will be sent to a senseless war that nobody wants but are not allowed to say they do not support it.

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