Russian invasion of Ukraine

Seeing that convoy blown to bits invokes anger, fucking butcher them Russian dogs every last one that chooses to stay and fight in Ukraine.

Swear I'm lucky to not have met any Russian sympathisers irl it's all the online shithouse dogs.
Makes you want to just bomb the fuck out of Moscow doesn't it.
This is what we're up against, this **** admitted to killing over 30 civilians, he was a tank commander and indiscriminately shelled 2 villages.

The Ukrainians captured him treated his wounds and asked if would do a voluntary interview with his wife

The pair of them don't give a shit. I'd have shot the **** dead on stream.

What’s that got to do with the point he made? The EU and UK are weaker apart in terms of policical clout. security. Knowledge sharing( we dropped out of the centralised knowledge share), energy security (we dropped out of the eu wide energy grid) , economic security( we are getting hit harder than most, together we all would have weathered it better) the list goes on.

All of those benefit Putin right now.
Only in your head.
Our nfluence in the EU has gone, whatever that was. Many contend there wasn't any - it was a toxic relationship as we were seen as blockers - when in fact many other nations just hid behind the UK block to pretend they were still good EU integrationalists. They have to be truthful - good for the EU in many ways.
Outside the EU and defence wise NATO was always the mainstay of our defence and military cooperation regardless of what Macron wanted.
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Russian Orthadox leader who's on putins pay roll and talks constant shit just tested positive with Covid with severe symptoms - Proof that there is a God!

It both hurts and frightens me that this can be happening in the 21st Century. If you superimposed this on 1930's Germany onwards, the narratives would be one and the same.

I'm not a religious person, but I hope Satan is keeping several chambers of hell ready for Putin, Lavrov, Medvedev, Peskov, and all the other filth complicit in this.
Lyman be done by the end of the day.
They are in complete panic all over the area.
Shows the panic in the video.....running from cover into the open.

Slava Ukraini.
They can swin across a get away for now. There equipment won't get out mind. More Russian gifts.

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