Russian invasion of Ukraine

Why wouldn't he have done that already? His army and Navy have been routed. Preventing the Russian catastrophic defeat in Kyiv and rescuing the objectives of the war would have been the time to go.
He still believes he has a lot of cards to play in my opinion - sowing division within the western alliance being the main one by testing their resolve and toleration levels to widespread economic disruption to everybodys standard of living over a prolonged period ( he sees as that as a weakness of western democracies as leaders will eventually yield to the masses to retain power at the next elections).

Threatening western energy storage and supply structures is something he is going to really enjoy doing to keep gas prices at peak levels for as long as possible. He may also believe he can widen this conflict by giving Belarus some strong ultimatums to fall on side.

We also know like previous Russian leaders that they have no qualms about throwing an endless supply of bodies at something until they achieve their objective and he will always put the state above the russian people. There's enough cannon fodder to go on for quite a while even if only to act as speed bumps for the Ukrainians.
A few days ago, I read that Ukraine has got some new anti-drone equipment that would stop the new Iranian kamikaze ones Russia has acquired, by jamming the electronic signals.

I took it with a pinch of salt, thinking it might be a bit optimistic, but there's been no mention of any of them continuing to get through, that I have seen, anyway, in the last couple of days, I hope they have found a way to curtail them.

And then I really hope these will work!

He's all about self preservation so agree with you - where the dynamics may change are if he genuinely does have a terminal illness and he wants to go out with a bang but still think an escalation to nukes is unl

Petrified of covid, by all accounts.
lets hope he's got something painful and terminal, hideous ugly little dwarf.
He still believes he has a lot of cards to play in my opinion - sowing division within the western alliance being the main one by testing their resolve and toleration levels to widespread economic disruption to everybodys standard of living over a prolonged period ( he sees as that as a weakness of western democracies as leaders will eventually yield to the masses to retain power at the next elections).

Threatening western energy storage and supply structures is something he is going to really enjoy doing to keep gas prices at peak levels for as long as possible. He may also believe he can widen this conflict by giving Belarus some strong ultimatums to fall on side.

We also know like previous Russian leaders that they have no qualms about throwing an endless supply of bodies at something until they achieve their objective and he will always put the state above the russian people. There's enough cannon fodder to go on for quite a while even if only to act as speed bumps for the Ukrainians.
I think the problem he faces is making himself the common enemy of 'democracy' in a way maybe even Al Qeda failed to do so. He unites centre right and centre left against him. The extremes that came to the fore previously are the ones demurring. They're beginnning to look like anarchists. Unless there is another chapter in this playbook I think he's succumbed to both recency & attribution biases. i.e.; beginners luck, and the echo chamber. As we've seen in the UK, parties can move alarmingly 'right'. Then they go too far, and fall off the electability spectrum. He was lucky that Trump and Boris, both incredibly gifted populist illusionists, were able to keep the game going as long as they did.

It looks like China may be playing him out of his mind and out of the game, whilst they proceed to spread economic and political influence peacefully.

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