Russian invasion of Ukraine

If, after clicking the link, you switch to ‘reader’ mode in your browser (eg on safari iPhone, press the AA text and select ‘show reader’), you can read the articles in full. The web page has loaded all the text, but is just hiding it with some useless rendering code trying to make you sign up.

Using the same AA trick, is also useful on web pages overwhelmed with Ads every paragraph.

Good tip that mate. I will certainly make use of that in the future!
Weirdly, i could read the article he posted and i don't subscribe.
Good tip that mate. I will certainly make use of that in the future!
Weirdly, i could read the article he posted and i don't subscribe.
Can also depend on your privacy controls/browser setup… if you’ve got stuff that stops JavaScript on websites that you haven’t whitelisted (allowed), then the ‘clever’ stuff of the webpage doesn’t work, and you just get the basic text layout.
Fair enough, but posting articles behind a "pay wall" is very annoying for many, because the majority don't want to sign up to these media whores.

Reading that link though, and it's "reported by the daily mail" which is almost as bad.

It certainly doesn't confirm movement of a "nuclear weapons" convoy, it's just shit stirring/scare mongering by the usual media suspects for me.
Highly probable. An article placed to get the usual suspects to report doom and gloom.
Fair enough, but posting articles behind a "pay wall" is very annoying for many, because the majority don't want to sign up to these media whores.

Reading that link though, and it's "reported by the daily mail" which is almost as bad.

It certainly doesn't confirm movement of a "nuclear weapons" convoy, it's just shit stirring/scare mongering by the usual media suspects for me. - if you ever want to read a paywalled site.
Middle of the night update (a lot is happening)
Elon Musk is a degenerate disgusting selfish wanker. Dont forget how he accussed the British expert cave diver of being a Paedophile. All because whilst saving the lives of those young boys trapped in a Thai cave he refused Musks help. You can be a billionaire but it doesn't buy you class.
He is a total piece of shit. His narcissism has no limits.

His supposed philanthropy implied by the final paragraph in the Guardian article is bollocks as well. It has been widely reported that the US government paid for the SpaceX terminals sent to Ukraine.

Looking at the Tesla share price it looks like Musk is doing his best to make Tesla a billion dollar company (having been a trillion dollar company not long ago).

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