Russian invasion of Ukraine

We won't be sending troops into Ukraine because they aren't members of Nato. Yes, there are a few British troops out there helping them learn how to shoot anti tank missiles, but other than that?

I don't know what 'considerable presence' in the Baltic nations means in the overall scheme of of things. Four aircraft and a few hundred soldiers like we have in the Falkland Islands?

I don't think anyone can understand what Putin is about at the moment, and I don't think it will kick off, but let's remember it wasn't too long ago we sailed a Destroyer into the Black Sea that antagonised the Russians then sent an aircraft carrier battle fleet over to China to antagonise them as well.

What is the point of that, given the size of our country, and our place in the world?
There is a lot of point because they do it too. The Russians constantly send bomber aircraft very close to our airspace and their carriers have passed through the Channel many times.

You could argue well it's international waters/airspace and it's fine but we can argue the same. It's not about antagonising, it's about deterrence and letting them know you're there.

The reason for putting carrier groups into the South China Sea is because China is taking land in the region and making noise about invading Taiwan. There is currently no deterrent to that except the west.


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Can you think of any scenario where the U.K. would act independently to the United States on releasing nuclear weapons? Only one I can think of is if started lobbing them at Washington and New York.
Personally think they will never be used, but to answer your question (imo of course).

They are a deterrent first and foremost, not something we would use unless the Government felt increasing tensions between a foreign Government with nuclear capabilities and the UK was escalating to the point intelligence was convinced we were about to be attacked with nucs.
Personally think they will never be used, but to answer your question (imo of course).

They are a deterrent first and foremost, not something we would use unless the Government felt increasing tensions between a foreign Government with nuclear capabilities and the UK was escalating to the point intelligence was convinced we were about to be attacked with nucs.
Weapons of mass destruction......pesky things
There is a lot of point because they do it too. The Russians constantly send bomber aircraft very close to our airspace and their carriers have passed through the Channel many times.

You could argue well it's international waters/airspace and it's fine but we can argue the same. It's not about antagonising, it's about deterrence and letting them know you're there.

The reason for putting carrier groups into the South China Sea is because China is taking land in the region and making noise about invading Taiwan. There is currently no deterrent to that except the west.


Is that the same Admiral Kuznetzov that is out of service and not expected to return to service untll 2023? It's the only carrier they have.

Look at the shit belching out of it's funnel.

It's sister wasn't completed, the hull was sold by Ukraine to China!
If they do go in. Whilst the world’s focus will be full on it. Any chance of a cheeky Taiwan bid by the Chinese.
There is a lot of point because they do it too. The Russians constantly send bomber aircraft very close to our airspace and their carriers have passed through the Channel many times.

You could argue well it's international waters/airspace and it's fine but we can argue the same. It's not about antagonising, it's about deterrence and letting them know you're there.

The reason for putting carrier groups into the South China Sea is because China is taking land in the region and making noise about invading Taiwan. There is currently no deterrent to that except the west.



at the very least that needs some injector cleaner lobbing in the diesel tank

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