Russian invasion of Ukraine

Macron still trying to negotiate Ukraine's freedom away again i see.

Listen arsehole (Macron), the only way you get the war to end is supporting Ukraine. So pull your finger out of your arse and give Ukraine many tens of Cesar 155mm artilary pieces, ammo, AA missiles, etc.
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Dude if a mass shooting is underway by a group of nutcases, and a cop saves the lives of hundreds but kills two innocents by taking them on, I'm honestly telling you the cop absolutely is innocent.

The Russians have killed a minimum of tens of thousands of civilians. Collateral damage in protecting others is inevitable and does not confer blame on the protectors.
It will still be looked into and they would try to find a way of avoiding it happening again.
Yes, totally innocent. What was he supposed to do, throw back insults?
Training can only do so much. I don't think any cop would put lives at risk, but it can and does happen.

Love it when people AFTER the event are always so knowledgeable on what somebody was supposed to do when the victim was threatened with death at the time.
This was an unfortunate accident. The Ukraine is in no way responsible.

Yes lessons will be learnt that that hopefully prevents it happening again. But if it does, Russia will still be to blame.
We have no idea of what happened and it has to be looked into if it was human error it has to be dealt with to avoid happening again.
The only way it won't happen again is for Putin to surender and withdraw from this unprovoked war
To be honest I have been hoping a member of his inner circle takes him out.
You work for local government, go on, tell me I'm right.
Is a hospital local government?
Or according to a certain poster, somebody in the Ukraine will be on charges if the falling debris kills someone (rolls eyes!)
Dude two people died I believe if it could have be avoided it should have been avoided and hope it never happens again. Russia should surrender and putin should be put down for his crimes but if the Ukrainian operator was exhausted, under trained or negligent it has to be looked into and put right to avoid repeats.
How do you know he didn’t know? Why didn’t he keep his powder dry until he was certain who had fired it?
So you can't explain why Zelensky knew the missile was Ukrainian.

By all accounts, at the time he was briefed by the Ukraine military that it was a Russian missile. Hence why the Ukrainian's want to send a team to the crash site, to get to the bottom of it.
So you can't explain why Zelensky knew the missile was Ukrainian.

By all accounts, at the time he was briefed by the Ukraine military that it was a Russian missile. Hence why the Ukrainian's want to send a team to the crash site, to get to the bottom of it.

Maybe he should have kept quiet until he had the facts rather than stoking the situation? He’s a fucking clown.

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