Russian invasion of Ukraine

Anything happen?,i been on the piss in Sunderland since Friday.
Lost track so dont want to re-post anything already posted.

Slava Ukraini.
Build up of Orc forces in the East. Russia expects Ukraine to mount an attack driving South to cut supply lines. Ukraine saying nothing. Amazingly the mayor of Mariupol is in Poland arranging finance for rebuilding his city.
Your first word tells me you lack maturity and intelligence,, not capable of understanding what is sacred to others, so I will leave you to sleep well in your childish and immature bubble. Have a good day

If whats sacred is a literal monument to hypocrisy then perhaps the big man himself wouldnt be opposed to a little less sacredness.
Why ? The roman catholic church and its little bastard sister, the church of england hold views that are outdated, hurtful- even hate filled, they have caused poverty, death and destruction from the day they were formed to the current time. A church was destroyed that's all. Whilst it was a light-hearted post by me, I will not lose any sleep seeing a church in ruins.
Bollox. Anyway, take your anti-religious zealatory away to a political thread

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