Russian invasion of Ukraine

There is a video on Telegram channels of two Russian soldiers talking about how one of their injured comrades was taken for medical treatment and ended up having his perfectly fine kidneys removed. They are harvesting body parts off their fallen soldiers, they do not value human life whether it’s Ukraine or their own country men. This lot are starting to make Nazi Germany look like Amnesty International with their sinister motives, they need to be stopped.
I am firmly of the opinion that Putin is sending all those that he doesn’t see fit to be called ‘Russian’ to the front line for slaughter, a form of genocide, if you will. Harvesting their organs will just be a by-product of that.

Personally, I reckon he’d take the blood of babies to make himself feel invincible, he’s that evil.
I am firmly of the opinion that Putin is sending all those that he doesn’t see fit to be called ‘Russian’ to the front line for slaughter, a form of genocide, if you will. Harvesting their organs will just be a by-product of that.
I've been thinking this for a while, unlike nazi germany, he's finding another way to commit genocide against his own population of non "russian", rather than the gas chamber, at least they may take some enemy with them on the way.

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