Russian invasion of Ukraine

There is a video on Telegram channels of two Russian soldiers talking about how one of their injured comrades was taken for medical treatment and ended up having his perfectly fine kidneys removed. They are harvesting body parts off their fallen soldiers, they do not value human life whether it’s Ukraine or their own country men. This lot are starting to make Nazi Germany look like Amnesty International with their sinister motives, they need to be stopped.
I'll keep it short:

His name is Scholz.
He didn't "chat" with Putin over New Year. Last time (2 Dec) he demanded all Russian troops to leave UA soil.
He made it clear that Russia must not and will not win this war. Many times.

MoD was in Washington last March and certainly didn't ask for Leopard export approvals. Btw he is a she...

Germany's army is criminally underfunded, for decades.
We can't supply what you wish for within a blink. We try to ramp up ammo production, but it takes time obviously.

You are right though Germany should be more responsible and esp in terms of GDP, but don't forget the social cost for over 1m Ukranian people in Germany, incl 200k kids at schools (without speaking any German, kind of a problem).

We need more accuracy about a highly complex topic with many unknown sensitive details.
There is some confusion about Germany. Hope the following helps.
1. After the invasion Germany announced a huge increase in defence spending to get it nearer to average of NATO countries. Astonishment in German parliament with a certain amount of opposition.
France really annoyed that the equipment Germany is going to buy is largely US made.
French policy is to pursue EU defence force with arms common to all countries. Bilateral cabinet meetings which have been a feature for several years, suspended.
2. Germany voted through big military support for Ukraine but opposers in the forces and political fields blocked, slowed down and generally messed about with fulfilment.
So an big gap between policy and action opened up. Arms now getting through this blockage and aid figure puts Germany high up the list.
3. France has done fuck all. Macron is a Putin appeaser.
There is a video on Telegram channels of two Russian soldiers talking about how one of their injured comrades was taken for medical treatment and ended up having his perfectly fine kidneys removed. They are harvesting body parts off their fallen soldiers, they do not value human life whether it’s Ukraine or their own country men. This lot are starting to make Nazi Germany look like Amnesty International with their sinister motives, they need to be stopped.
The Russians have never had any care for their own people or troops. Stalin's Russia was as bad as Nazi Germany.

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