Russian invasion of Ukraine

Some interview that, segregated as they have Hepatitis or HIV. Told they will find a machine gun when they get there and of the 83 only them 3 survived by pure luck of other corpses landing on them.

All to have their prison sentences ended.

That’s fucked up but they’ve done the same thing before. Most want Russian defeat and even celebrate “orc” deaths but those dying are poor Cunts like these guys. All this because of a short pisspoor dictator prick.
That’s fucked up but they’ve done the same thing before. Most want Russian defeat and even celebrate “orc” deaths but those dying are poor Cunts like these guys. All this because of a short pisspoor dictator prick.

Listen they still choose to go fight in a war and kill Ukrainians just so they can end their prison sentences for the heinous crimes they have no doubt committed.

So fuck them. They wouldn't be so sad if they were steam rolling across Ukraine raping anyone they could get their hands on.
as we heard at the start of the invasion the aggressor loses 3:1 against the defenders , with this counter offence are we expecting the ukraine army to lose the same ratio, ive just watched a video of a us general,saying russia has more troops now than at the start so have ukraine , ukraine are going to end up with massive losses , do they have enough personnel to push russia out ?

also they said the claimed 200,000 killed russian solders the actual number is 45,000 or is that 200,000 killed and wounded ?
Listen they still choose to go fight in a war and kill Ukrainians just so they can end their prison sentences for the heinous crimes they have no doubt committed.

So fuck them. They wouldn't be so sad if they were steam rolling across Ukraine raping anyone they could get their hands on.
Heinous crimes like Navalny? I think you overestimate the Russian criminal system. There’s Cunts in every army, the British one included, but most are just folk backed into a corner trying to survive:
Listen they still choose to go fight in a war and kill Ukrainians just so they can end their prison sentences for the heinous crimes they have no doubt committed.

So fuck them. They wouldn't be so sad if they were steam rolling across Ukraine raping anyone they could get their hands on.
Yep. Hope they all get marsh foot.
also they said the claimed 200,000 killed russian solders the actual number is 45,000 or is that 200,000 killed and wounded ?
Killed and wounded.

as we heard at the start of the invasion the aggressor loses 3:1 against the defenders , with this counter offence are we expecting the ukraine army to lose the same ratio
They won't lose to the same ratio the Russians did as they know the territory and they're better trained, equipped and led, but they will suffer worse losses than they did when on the defensive.

ive just watched a video of a us general,saying russia has more troops now than at the start so have ukraine , ukraine are going to end up with massive losses , do they have enough personnel to push russia out ?
At the start the soldiers were fully trained standing army including veterans, now they're conscripts with the bare minimum basic training (in some cases not even that).
Once the yanks have good adverts for their weapons they'll agree with China to setting up a peace deal. Russian will want territory and Ukraine protection.

I predict Donbas becoming Russian in return for their acceptance of Ukraine becoming part of NATO.
If the Ukrainians can take back Mariupol then Russia won't be able to keep Donbass.
Once the yanks have good adverts for their weapons they'll agree with China to setting up a peace deal. Russian will want territory and Ukraine protection.

I predict Donbas becoming Russian in return for their acceptance of Ukraine becoming part of NATO.
Why should Ukrainian cede territory? Any concession to them will result in more shite down the line. Britain went to war over a few islands 1000s of miles away, Ukraine has a right to keep hold of all its territory pre 2013. Russian happily agreed to the UKR border at Yalta, they should live with it.

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