Russian invasion of Ukraine

I keep asking this question when the issue of a negotiated settlement is raised, and am yet to receive an adequate or meaningful response, but I’ll try again:

What is the point in doing a deal with a country that manifestly won’t keep to it?

Or do you think they will?

There's a lot of geo politics at play behind any deal.

I honestly can't answer that question. I don't have the knowledge or understanding of the conflict and the history.

It's just a feeling that something like that may happen.
I keep asking this question when the issue of a negotiated settlement is raised, and am yet to receive an adequate or meaningful response, but I’ll try again:

What is the point in doing a deal with a country that manifestly won’t keep to it?

Or do you think they will?
The only way of making sure is by accepting Ukraine into NATO as part of any deal. Cunts won't have a leg to stand on then.
There's a lot of geo politics at play behind any deal.

I honestly can't answer that question. I don't have the knowledge or understanding of the conflict and the history.

It's just a feeling that something like that may happen.
You don’t need any knowledge or understanding of the conflict and the history to answer the first question!
Once the yanks have good adverts for their weapons they'll agree with China to setting up a peace deal. Russian will want territory and Ukraine protection.

I predict Donbas becoming Russian in return for their acceptance of Ukraine becoming part of NATO.
You’ve got the right username for some claiming that.
Once the yanks have good adverts for their weapons they'll agree with China to setting up a peace deal. Russian will want territory and Ukraine protection.

I predict Donbas becoming Russian in return for their acceptance of Ukraine becoming part of NATO.
There was a deal in 1994 that guaranteed Ukraine protection and security in return for it giving up its Soviet era nuclear weapons. There’s no way Ukraine will agree any deal with the current Russian regime as they know that it will be broken whenever the Russians feel like it.
I keep asking this question when the issue of a negotiated settlement is raised, and am yet to receive an adequate or meaningful response, but I’ll try again:

What is the point in doing a deal with a country that manifestly won’t keep to it?

Or do you think they will?
Russia's negotiation will be,they have Donbas and Ukraine does not join NATO.
Zelensky WILL NOT negotiate.
Ukraine is taking the lot back,Crimea included,IMO.

Slava Ukraini.

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