Russian invasion of Ukraine

My grasp of history is poor I'm afraid but it seems history may be repeating itself according to some of the latest posts on this thread.
Regarding Mr P. is it possible he also has not been made aware of this or does he effectively claim that he was not foreman on those jobs?
Putin most likely has a deeply fked up view of world history. As do many Russians.

It's unlikely they will learn much from it if what they believe is largely lies and BS.
By many accounts he lives in an 'information vacuum' - he's gotten rid of too many of the honest people around him and surrounded himself with a small circle of yes men. They're not going to take on the consequences of delivering him bad news.
Indeed. It is like Stalin at the time of Nazi Barbarossa invasion (though not helped by his purges of the Soviet army elite in the 30's) isolated and surrounded by "yes" people who knew their lives hung by a whim.

The big difference, now, is that Ukraine is not invading, they are re-taking... which is the situation of late 1942 for the Soviets, as Stalingrad was encircled and the rag-tag withdrawel and collapse of the Nazi's and their allies from the very recently occupied Caucasus area occurred. leaving the Nazi's fully on the defensive and retreating at every new offensive (spring, summer) by the Soviet's.
The latest entry in the Rissian "Turret Toss" Competition.

5 seconds to come back down after the ammo detonation is 2.5 seconds from peak altitude
d=vi*t + 1/2*a*t^2
vi is 0 t is 2.5, a = 9.8
d = 30.625m

76 meters is the record so far I believe but that was a full turret, I think they can be confident of getting a clean sweep on the podium in this event
By many accounts he lives in an 'information vacuum' - he's gotten rid of too many of the honest people around him and surrounded himself with a small circle of yes men. They're not going to take on the consequences of delivering him bad news.
Perhaps his self imposed isolation from reality should be accelerated and make him king of all Russian Commenwealth. Let him sign decrees but actually strip all decision making away from him but give him all the credit.
Surely he won't know the difference if his yes men are scared to tell him.
There's no advantage on the battlefield by using a tactical nuke and unless they are aiming it outside the current battlezones say Kyiv then they actually will be endangering their own troops.

Using a tactical nuke would be used as a statement of power by the kremlin but it would be the end game for putin and anyone associated with him in my opinion.
Do you think Putin gives a shit if he takes out some of his own troops, especially Wagner lot.
hypothetical question:

supposing putin, in a last ditch "fuck this shit!" scenario,
decided, against all advice, to lob a few tactical nukes at ukraine...

does ukraine now have the weaponry to shoot them down,
and what would be the likely response from the west?
Do you think Putin gives a shit if he takes out some of his own troops, especially Wagner lot.
No, but even he knows that this seismic news will reach his domestic audience and he will have some very difficult questions to answer on the streets and with most of the military hierarchy. He can't do his usual trick and blame it on the Ukrainians as they don't have any and absolutely nobody will buy that it was a NATO strike.

There is no win with tactical nukes for him. If he wants to go down that road it would make a lot more sense to sabotage the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power plant as it will be much easier to lay the blame on the Ukrainians.
hypothetical question:

supposing putin, in a last ditch "fuck this shit!" scenario,
decided, against all advice, to lob a few tactical nukes at ukraine...

does ukraine now have the weaponry to shoot them down,
and what would be the likely response from the west?
Depends on the delivery system - if it was an ICBM then no, very difficult to shoot down. If it was a cruise or short range missile then maybe.

Regarding the West's response, if it it was only one or two nukes then the discussion to date has been about a massive conventional response. Basically destroy the entire Russian Black Sea fleet and anything Russian that moves in occupied Ukraine, leaving Putin with no forces worth speaking of. After that, who knows - hopefully his own side would see the light and show him the 6th floor exit.
Regarding the West's response, if it it was only one or two nukes then the discussion to date has been about a massive conventional response. Basically destroy the entire Russian Black Sea fleet and anything Russian that moves in occupied Ukraine, leaving Putin with no forces worth speaking of. After that, who knows - hopefully his own side would see the light and show him the 6th floor exit.
Difficult to do without Turkey and fuck knows what the state of affairs will be there over the next while.

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