Russian invasion of Ukraine

I think the old maxim of “never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake” applies here.

Let them stove eachother to death and mess up their frontline. If Ukraine start applying pressure now then Russia have a choice to make. If they wait until Russia has already committed troops away from the front then they won’t have a choice.

The only problem with this is that Ukraine needs to be able to occupy Crimea ASAP if there’s a power change in Moscow.

Any new Russian leader is likely to sue for peace and try to get 2014 borders reinstated and blame everything on Putin, and if Crimea is still in Russian control then they’re likely to be allowed by the West to keep it, because let’s be honest no one cared when they occupied it 2014-2022. I know they’ve all promised Ukraine needs to be made entirely whole, but that’s very easy to say in the middle of a war when the end of conflict seems miles away.

So I think Ukraine will pretty much stop operations hoping that the Russian army gets recalled to stop a civil war, with the exception of down south where they need to be able to strike Crimea within a few hours if needs be.
I’m not sure I agree. In the short term perhaps, but long term your looking at an extreme far right Militia controlling Russia who are probably even more intent on creating a larger Russia state

The choice is between Putin or a militia…

You could also be looking at a civil war right on Ukraines border
The Wagner leader has openly said the war in Ukraine was a sham and there was no valid reason to invade. So I think if has to be a positive step. But either way some Russian troops will be withdrawing.
I’m not sure I agree. In the short term perhaps, but long term your looking at an extreme far right Militia controlling Russia who are probably even more intent on creating a larger Russia state

The choice is between Putin or a militia…

You could also be looking at a civil war right on Ukraines border
has to be this ^ the long term prospects for Ukraine to me looks grim if Wagner take over, at least with Putin we knew he would not use Nukes or tactical nukes with this lot i'm afraid there wont be any boundaries they are brutal in every sense

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