Russian invasion of Ukraine

On the one hand I get this paranoia for historical reasons, but it isn’t founded in logic or common sense.

Firstly, because none of these invading forces have succeeded.

Secondly, because the nature of warfare has changed. Invasions are much less likely to succeed than in the past. Guerrilla tactics, communications technology, the widespread ability to make explosives and now the rise of relatively cheap, widely available drones means it is much harder (and much more attritional) to hold territory you have claimed. Afghanistan (on numerous occasions) Iraq and now Ukraine have suitably demonstrated this.

The notion that NATO would invade Russia is so preposterous that only someone utterly deluded would actually believe it. It would be an insane undertaking that would be doomed to failure. And to what end?

It’s easy to blame this Russian viewpoint on state propaganda, but any reasonable person applying their mind to it must surely see it is a complete fantasy.
I totally agree with what you say....but I think the slight failing of it is "any reasonable person".
Decades of state media, schooling, stories from parents and grandparents will have indoctrinated the population (abit like reading the Echo) to believe that the government knows best and is protecting you from those horrible decadent westerners.
There is also the thought that some people, the word that first came to my mind was "deplorables", need something to rail against or believe in. I wonder how many of the US population supporting Trump, "the steal" & Fox News see themselves as any different from Putin supporters.
A belief that if you dont support the media/government view, that the bogeyman will be coming to kill you and all your family, does impact on how "reasonable" some people are.
The scary thing is that Russia has been a dictatorship for years so there is perhaps some excuse, whereas in a democratic country like the US it does cause you to question some peoples sanity.
Battalion Vostok is a Russian milblogger who was last known to be fighting on the front in Novodonets'ke (about 6km east of Urozhaine)

"Good morning. The shelling did not stop even at night, with the dawn the intensity increased. Yesterday we couldn't find where they were beating us for a long time. We discovered self-propelled guns on our own, but the distances were prohibitive for almost everything that we and our neighbors had. I had to use BM-21 in the hope that we would at least scare. Only the eres were able to reach the limit, damaging one of the self-propelled guns - it remained standing when the others retreated. Many fighters know that it is, of course, an uncomfortable feeling when you are being butchered in one wicket, and you don’t even have anything to respond with. It’s a pity that our OBTF, to which we were assigned, no longer has the resources to support us, but thanks to the army men - sometimes they help out through personal relationships. Have a nice day everyone."

Warning: The ukrainians are not the only ones killing.
But they are clearly bringing overwhelming force to bare where they attack and are winning.
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Sanctions were always going to be a slow and long term plan. They gradually eat away at Putin's war chest.
He planned for the invasion, and had what he thought was enough cash to see it through.

So yes, in the short term, day to day things will continue as normal.
However, the longer this goes on, the harder it will be to sustain the economy. Even worse for them, the long term affects will be devastating. It could take decades for the Russian economy to pick up. Longer if reparations have to be paid. (to lift sanctions)

Every trick in the book is probably going on to make things seem ok. But like all illusions, it will all come crashing down when the illusion cannot be sustained.
I feel this day is nearing!
he planned for 3 days , he may of just gone over budget by a day or 550
Putin says he will allocate 1.9 trillion Rubles to develop the 4 occupied territories over the next 2 and a half years.
He also stated " invincible"

Slava Ukraini.

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