Russian invasion of Ukraine

To be honest im feeling quite pessimistic about Ukraines chances of taking Tokmak by winter at this point.

it would allow for far better attrition over winter but it would be seen as a fail by the media in the west for sure.
Wont happen mate,IMO.
They will take it at some point...just gonna be slow.

Slava Ukraini.
NATO could weigh in with far superior equipment than what Russia has and quickly put them on the back foot. The dangerous thing is Russia feeling threatened by a far superior force in NATO for the first time in this conflict, they would then start to rattle out the nuclear rhetoric. No one in Washington, Kyiv and Moscow wants that situation.
They've been rattling the nuclear rhetoric for the last 12mths. They would do nothing. Putin is a coward. He simply wouldn't put himself at risk.
I'm not that convinced, you've still got to get through mine fields, you've still got to clear trenches, that has to be done with dis-mounted infantry which is dangerous and takes time. Although modern western aircraft has a lot of advantages and if Ukraine had some it would make a big difference, Russia still has effective AA defences and air power isn't everything. Part of the problem with western media is there is an assumption that western equipment is all conquering and invincble, well it's mostly good but it's not that good, also there is an erroneous tendancy to underestimate Russian capability and portray their generals as being idiots. Ukraine is doing extreamly well in the circumstances against a powerfull well armed opponent, it's a very large theater of operations and even if they had air supremacy I doubt they could go much quicker, also Russia still has a LOT of artillary.

If there was air superiority involved you could just carpet bomb mine fields and trenches if you dont mind taking the risks and damage associated with that. or if you wanted to go slower you could use mine clearing machines that currently get picked off at distance by helicopters and manually clear the trenches.

As for gaining air superiority the US's stealth tech comes in handy there to take out the AA as would the 10+ thousand tomahawks the US has stockpiled and then fill the skies with Reaper drones and the like with AA missiles to take out helicopters and the like.

Nato wouldn't come out of it with no losses by any stretch but I really dont think it would take long to take out the Russian AA in the most part.

Its not going to happen tho mind you.
I'm not that convinced, you've still got to get through mine fields, you've still got to clear trenches, that has to be done with dis-mounted infantry which is dangerous and takes time. Although modern western aircraft has a lot of advantages and if Ukraine had some it would make a big difference, Russia still has effective AA defences and air power isn't everything. Part of the problem with western media is there is an assumption that western equipment is all conquering and invincble, well it's mostly good but it's not that good, also there is an erroneous tendancy to underestimate Russian capability and portray their generals as being idiots. Ukraine is doing extreamly well in the circumstances against a powerfull well armed opponent, it's a very large theater of operations and even if they had air supremacy I doubt they could go much quicker, also Russia still has a LOT of artillary.
OK Vlad
Really strange the concerted effort to put a negative spin on Ukrainian advances on twitter which ends up in mainstream news. Cluster munitions are really fucking up the ruskies, Ukraine aren't too far from Tokmak now. If they make it down to Melitopol then russia have to fall back to Crimea and a whole new front line opens towards Mauripol.
If they take Tokmak and Melitopol then blow the Kerch bridge, what then?
Please don't accuse me of being pro Russian, I've thought Putin was an evil bastard since the day he got elected. Ukraine will win this war, it's just a matter of time (and lives sadly), I'm just trying to be a little cautious that's all, the history of warfare is full of people thinking it's going to be a walkover only for the enemy to turn out a lot tuffer than anyone bargained for.

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