Russian invasion of Ukraine

How the fuck do they propose to built, what amounts to, a mini channel tunnel in the middle of a war zone!?!! It'll take em 10 years, if at all.

Putin said “China can do it“ (The Kerch straight is in the middle of a seismically active zone), the tunnel they did in China collapsed killing hundreds
The US won't sustain two world conflicts.

They will tell Zelensky he's lost parts of his country to Putin and will placate him by getting Haliburton to rebuild what's left. Russia will acknowledge Ukraine joining the EU in return.
You’ve missed off Ukraine joining NATO from that scenario. Inconceivable they won’t when this is done, wherever the lines are drawn.
The US won't sustain two world conflicts.

They will tell Zelensky he's lost parts of his country to Putin and will placate him by getting Haliburton to rebuild what's left. Russia will acknowledge Ukraine joining the EU in return.

Unless this expands massively in the Middle East there is very little the US needs to supply to Israel. They have everything they need to do what they want to do bar maybe some speciality bunker buster bombs.

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