Russian invasion of Ukraine

Actually for many years US military doctrine has been just that, to have enough equipment and manpower to sustain two major conflicts simultaneously.

No-one will do anything to placate a dictator such as Putin or it opens the door to other terrorists invading places and hoping for a resolution in their favour. There’ll be no backing down to that **** or anyone else that threatens others’ freedom.
I think the US are content with supplying enough support to Ukraine to ensure a sustained degradation of Russian military capability, which suits their wider interests and those of their Baltic partners.

Think they are probably content with the way things have progressed.

The question is not whether Russia has lost from this conflict, but how much.

All right thinking people want to see Russia pushed back to its 2014 borders but even if the current status was frozen (and I’m not saying it will or should be) Russia will have gained relatively little and lost a great deal more from this invasion: an expansion of NATO counties bordering it to a level inconceivable two years ago; Western Europe weaning itself off the teat of Russia fuel; Russia being isolated for at least a generation, and their international standing greatly diminished; much of the assets their controlling elite have stolen from the people seized by western governments; even the land they have stolen in Ukraine, whilst important agriculturally, will have huge insurrection related challenges ahead.

As I’ve said many, many times, what’s the point in negotiating with a party that won’t keep to anything it ‘agrees’ to? No one has yet adequately answered that question.

Just hope that this current approach of degrading Russian lines leads to a significant breakthrough in the next nine months.
Actually for many years US military doctrine has been just that, to have enough equipment and manpower to sustain two major conflicts simultaneously.

No-one will do anything to placate a dictator such as Putin or it opens the door to other terrorists invading places and hoping for a resolution in their favour. There’ll be no backing down to that **** or anyone else that threatens others’ freedom.

a couple of years ago The US War gamed a conflict with China, without using nukes they calculated using something like 15%/20% of there forces to defeat China.
a couple of years ago The US War gamed a conflict with China, without using nukes they calculated using something like 15%/20% of there forces to defeat China.
They lost a good few of their big carriers but still "won" the conventional war by preventing China from supplying their Island invasion forces and totally destroying their navy. They took notes from this and speeded up delivery of long range assault helicopters, UAVs, Drones and long range accurate missiles so carrier based assets could be deployed at a longer range. Also laser and AA missiles weaponry to take out long range Chineses missiles. Iron dome / Iron Beam in Israel is actually a test bed for all this US kit improvement.
China did it's own war games amd concluded much the same. For all their bluster over Taiwan they are playing the long game to improve air defence and their long range assault capability. They know they won't catch up up for 15 years.
Our new local Evri delivery man rocked up today.
Wife shouts me and says "I think he's one of your lot,come and look at his van"
Went and spoke to him for a bit and goes back in.
Wife asks what the parcel is and i say i cant remember.
She asks can she open it,so i say "yeah,no problem,just wait till i get in the garden"

Slava Ukraini.
Russians moving what equipment they have to the North of Avdiivka.
Think there is gonna be a big meat wave....maybe from all directions.
Summat is deffo going on.
My cousin is 500 yards East of the coke plant....just over the train tracks.

Slava Ukraini.
I know he dont know me,but pass on my regards and tell him to keep safe my friend xx
Russians moving what equipment they have to the North of Avdiivka.
Think there is gonna be a big meat wave....maybe from all directions.
Summat is deffo going on.
My cousin is 500 yards East of the coke plant....just over the train tracks.

Slava Ukraini.
I wish him victory

Glory to the heroes
46 brigade:

We were really waiting for news from the Horlivka district. According to reports, ours have established themselves and are even making some progress. In any case, this is at least some help to the Avdiivka garrison. The activity of the Armed Forces here does not give orcs the opportunity to use the reserves in the Avdiivka direction to their full potential.

46 brigade:

We were really waiting for news from the Horlivka district. According to reports, ours have established themselves and are even making some progress. In any case, this is at least some help to the Avdiivka garrison. The activity of the Armed Forces here does not give orcs the opportunity to use the reserves in the Avdiivka direction to their full potential.

This is what i was saying a few days back.
Going at Horlivka has put the Russians in a dilema....However,i think they are gonna throw everything at Avdiivka and take the risk,which i dont think will work.
Russians lose Horlivka and Donetsk will be split in 2....IMO.

Slava Ukraini.

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