Russian invasion of Ukraine

The west has betrayed Ukraine.
No ifs or buts.
Betrayal - pure and simple.
The west deserves to cease to exist as a coherent set of democratic entities.
What a future we have to not look forward to.
It’s not that pure and simple. We’ve let them down, but to characterise it as betrayal is a gross oversimplification.

For a start, what do you mean by ‘the west’? Does that include Poland which has taken hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees?

I think much of the western strategy has been informed and tempered by a desire for this not to escape out of control. This carries an inherent risk of miscalculation.

So there are ifs and buts.
I'm on a beach in Thailand right now surrounded by the cunts. Of course there will be many here dodging draft and anti Putin but there's a pervading atmosphere that they own the place
It's the reason I've told my wife I'm not holidaying in Turkey or the Eastern Mediterranean
Pig ignorant and loathsome fuckers
Reading the latest Stoltenberg's piece, then it's still insane from the Estonian point of view, how the hell the big military equipment producers haven't managed to get their shit together. It's not like we have golden times in the economy and it should be their favor to produce as much as possible, not hold back, they earn from it and can build their agenda from the need. And we still haven't managed to set up production of the needed 155mm ammo and everything else, so NATO reserves are almost all used up.
I hope these Russian cunts suffer a long,painful,slow death.
They have been executing those captured at Avdiivka and also some captured Ukrainian Forces near Robotyne area.

Slava Ukraini.
What’s been said now?

"The Kremlin has said it will use its “entire strategic arsenal” and fire nuclear missiles at London, Washington, Berlin and Kyiv if it is made to give up the areas of Ukraine it has invaded.

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, who is a close ally of Vladimir Putin, has warned of “total war” if Russia was forced to return to its 1991 borders established at the collapse of the Soviet Union."

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