Russian invasion of Ukraine

How can you lose half a million lives and folk not start to notice. The injured and maimed must be way higher. There must be thousands going back to Russia messed up. Surely it’s unsustainable.
This is Ukranian estimates and it's not all killed
I'd take a third off that and a third again for severely injured
So that would mean 200,000 dead and 100,000 very injured

It was said every dead or injured soldier would touch 20 people's lives at home, which means that around 6 million russians have been affected by or know someone who has either died or returned home with life changing injuries

Population of the russian federation is around 144M, and the majority of the dead and wounded come from the republics, so mathematically, less that 5% of the population have been affected, however it is a fact that the russian army has heavily recruited from the poorer republics, so they will have far more knowledge of the death toll, rather than the middle classes in St Petersburg and Moscow
It was said every dead or injured soldier would touch 20 people's lives at home, which means that around 6 million russians have been affected by or know someone who has either died or returned home with life changing injuries

Problem is Russians and Russian mothers. More bothered about her son not returning her mobile phone when he phoned her from captivity. She said do what you want with him, but give back my phone! (then hung up on them)
With attitudes like that, the average Russian couldn't give two shits. (as long as it's not them)

They just don't seem to value their owns lives or others.
That is a direct result of state propaganda/conditioning for most of their lives.
They are not going to rise up and rebel, because they don't know they are allowed to. Or why they would even want to.

Feel so sorry for the more enlightened ones. It must be torture living there.
Problem is Russians and Russian mothers. More bothered about her son not returning her mobile phone when he phoned her from captivity. She said do what you want with him, but give back my phone! (then hung up on them)
With attitudes like that, the average Russian couldn't give two shits. (as long as it's not them)

They just don't seem to value their owns lives or others.
That is a direct result of state propaganda/conditioning for most of their lives.
They are not going to rise up and rebel, because they don't know they are allowed to. Or why they would even want to.

Feel so sorry for the more enlightened ones. It must be torture living there.
there's a youtube channel where a ukrainian journalist interviews captured orcs. he gives them an opportunity to call home and speak with their parents or family members. you wouldn't believe the things you hear during these conversations. one mother was so upset that her son turned out to be captured there'll be no compensation from government in such a case
From "The Analyst":


Ukrainian drones struck at least two airbases successfully last night. I’ve been waiting to see the latest figures but we may have to wait a little longer to be absolutely sure of the totals of Russian aircraft lost, but it’s looking like it’s between 12 and 18.
Ukraine knows it has to make the front line airfields untenable- and the Russians know it too, so they are quite well defended. As Russia has learned from the experience of attacking Ukraine, Ukraine has in turn learnt from Russia how to approach such targets.
Unquestionably drones were shot down, that was expected and what usually happens is that enough arrive in two formats - firstly the all at once method, where so many arrive at once they can’t possibly be all shot down, or that sacrificial drones go in first to wear down the air defences and the second wave arrives just as the missiles run out and have to be reloaded.
Even so, there’s outrage in Russia that they haven’t been able to produce or even start to organise, simple Ukraine style man on a pickup truck with machine gun defences. These have been successful in Ukraine but Russia seems incapable of producing them.
It’s become such a bind for the oil refinery companies that they have been paying for their own anti-drone equipment and hunting around the world for it wherever they can buy it at any price.
A third airbase was also reached - outside of Saratov, which is much deeper inside Russia - but this seems to have been a recon/probing operation more than a straight up mass attack.
Again the tactics Ukraine are employing are designed to keep Russian air defences on their guard and uncertain. What do you defend? The refineries? The air bases? There’s only so many defence systems to go around - and they’re not on the front line leaving that as another operational area open to attack.
The Russians seem taken aback by the fact their own tactics and strategies have been adopted so quickly and effectively by their victim. What did they expect? Not this I think. They have forgotten the old but always relevant rules of war.
If you can’t win don’t fight. And if you do fight when you know you can’t really win, don’t be surprised that the victim of your attack uses your own ideas and weakness against you.

Slava Ukraini !
This is Ukranian estimates and it's not all killed
I'd take a third off that and a third again for severely injured
So that would mean 200,000 dead and 100,000 very injured

It was said every dead or injured soldier would touch 20 people's lives at home, which means that around 6 million russians have been affected by or know someone who has either died or returned home with life changing injuries

Population of the russian federation is around 144M, and the majority of the dead and wounded come from the republics, so mathematically, less that 5% of the population have been affected, however it is a fact that the russian army has heavily recruited from the poorer republics, so they will have far more knowledge of the death toll, rather than the middle classes in St Petersburg and Moscow
According to various journalistic endeavours that scoured Russian local media for obituaries for a month - the Ukrainian figures are faIrly accurate.
From "The Analyst":


Russian Tactical Aerospace Forces, or VKS, continues to burn through its fighter aircraft in the war against Ukraine. After two years of air war, its total force is slightly less than 75% of its prewar strength.
The VKS has directly lost approximately 16 fighters over the past eight months. However, this does not account for the imputed losses, which arise from an aircraft accruing more flight hours than planned, reducing its overall life. Based on updated available information, the VKS is on track to suffer approximately 60 imputed aircraft losses this year from overuse. That’s equivalent to losing 26 new aircraft of newer types. Meanwhile the Russian MoD currently procures only about 20 total Su-30, Su-34 and Su-35 aircraft per year, and even that is stretching believability under the current sanctions regime.
The air war has mostly maintained a steady state since mid-2023, with the exception of February 2024, when the VKS flew approximately 150 sorties per day in support of the Avdiivka offensive, proving decisive. Given that Russia also has been using longer-range glide bombs and devoted more aircraft to air-to-ground roles, the average sortie duration has also likely decreased, reducing the accelerated aging. Even so, slightly more than half of the tactical airframes are more than 30 years old; these have far fewer flight hours left.
This accelerated aging may be shaping Russian combat operations. The majority of VKS fighters operating (and lost) over Ukraine are the newer Su-30, Su-34 and Su-35 aircraft with occasional reported sightings of Su-25, but many of these were lost early on and they are very elderly.
The older MiG-31s and Su-27s have been relegated to supporting hypersonic Kinzhal strikes and air patrol at a distance. With an estimated average remaining airframe life of less than 20% and 35% respectively, these older aircraft can be used for this war, but likely have insufficient life to support Russia’s potential future air warfare needs.
Russia’s air-to-air warfare MiG-29s are totally absent, even from air-patrol missions. Given their age, these aircraft are likely unserviceable. Regardless, whether due to lack of upgrades, survivability or age, these are effectively non existent aircraft.
The Su-24s, on the other hand, were used extensively in the invasion of Ukraine. But there have been no reports of Su-24 losses so far in 2024. These aircraft are old with the newest models manufactured in 1993. The VKS may have chosen not to configure them for their new FAB-1500 glide bombs, which would also hint at the fact that the Su-24s may be reaching the end of their useful lives.
Ukraine, which is short on air defense munitions, has a few options to accelerate Russian air losses. Attacking air bases would likely reduce VKS sortie rates by more than 20% by disrupting operations and forcing them to fly from more distant bases. The greatest opportunity remains the effect of F-16’s (and possible Gripens) to divert Russian sorties from ground-attack to air-to-air efforts.

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