Russian invasion of Ukraine

The truth is we wouldn't need NATO if it wasn't for Russia. (NATO is a defensive alliance)
China is a fairly recent threat...
Another truth is, putin has broken basic international law.
He thought the law of the jungle is on his side, now he's watching the slow liberal west scaling up defence industries funded by much bigger state budgets. His equation is going down the drain the longer he refuses to fuck off - and he very well knows.
That's the fuckin truth.

But ok @Pappa P , here's a deal:
UKR get back all their nukes (Budapest you know...) and in return UKR won't join NATO.
Job done.
Another truth is, putin has broken basic international law.
He thought the law of the jungle is on his side, now he's watching the slow liberal west scaling up defence industries funded by much bigger state budgets. His equation is going down the drain the longer he refuses to fuck off - and he very well knows.
That's the fuckin truth.

But ok @Pappa P , here's a deal:
UKR get back all their nukes (Budapest you know...) and in return UKR won't join NATO.
Job done.
Plus Ukr also get back:

Crimea - illegally annexed in 2014 by… Russia.
Donbas region land seized - civil war sponsored by… russia
Strategic bombers, ( maybe a few B-1’s) to replace the ones they gave up, in that treaty guaranteeing their borders and not joining NATO, with… Russia.
Return of all vessels seized in illegal annexation of crimea by… Russia.

Wow.. it’s almost as though the Putin pappa patsy, has missed off the real history of the causes of this limited military action… by Russia.
Seen as you are obviously close to Putin, would you be willing to share what his objectives actually are exactly
For Ukraine not to enter NATO and for NATO to not place military facilities on Russia's border.

Pretty much as was agreed and that which NATO decided to ignore. Seems incredibly reasonable, I don't think we'd like China parking up in Scotland.
For Ukraine not to enter NATO and for NATO to not place military facilities on Russia's border.

Pretty much as was agreed and that which NATO decided to ignore. Seems incredibly reasonable, I don't think we'd like China parking up in Scotland.

No agreement was made and countries shouldn’t be dictated to as to what treaties they want to join.

Russia did however sign a treaty saying they would defend Ukraine’s borders. A treaty they broke.

If Russia wasn’t a threat then countries wouldn’t be wanting to join NATO. Quite simple really.
Fuck sake , polluting another thread as well, lol
Every now and then these Communist, Woke hell hole threads need a good sprinkling of truth and reality, just so those scrolling through who are not indoctrinated with leftist lunacy don't feel like they're going mad.

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