Russian invasion of Ukraine

Point me at the agreement documents that say nato wouldn’t take in countries near Russia.
This tedious line is always trotted out by people who have been gaslit by Putin. They point to some nebulous agreement that was struck at the end of the Cold War with Gorbachev that, unlike the Budapest Memorandum (which Russia broke when it invaded Ukraine) was mysteriously never reduced to writing, which is just how multilateral agreements routinely operate, of course.

Even if it were true (and it’s not) then the trajectory and track record of the Russian state since would make it entirely justified in any event.
For Ukraine not to enter NATO and for NATO to not place military facilities on Russia's border.

Pretty much as was agreed and that which NATO decided to ignore. Seems incredibly reasonable, I don't think we'd like China parking up in Scotland.
You ignored my post about Sweden and Finland
Two countries that stayed out of NATO to "keep the peace"
But when ruSSia invaded Ukraine, the trust was broken and now ruSSia has a larger border with NATO
For Ukraine not to enter NATO and for NATO to not place military facilities on Russia's border.

Pretty much as was agreed and that which NATO decided to ignore. Seems incredibly reasonable, I don't think we'd like China parking up in Scotland.
Yeah, agreements have never seemed to matter that much to russia, so can't think why anyone would ever suggest another one would be seriously considered without a good few decades of trust banked behind it...which hasn't happened in, well, centuries...

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Within ATACMS range. Those Su-34s have caused so much death and destruction. Stop them at the source, zero reason to keep being afraid.
Russian dangerous jets are parked 100 miles from Ukraine and America still refuses permission to strike them I don’t get why these restrictions are placed on Ukraine Russia is threatening NATO by invading Crimea and the Donbas.
I think you're misunderstanding Trump's comments, when he say's it was Putin's dream he means Putin after the 2014 coup wanted to go into Eastern Ukraine to protect the Russians who were being attacked and killed.

Trump understood this, Trump was able to prevent Putin invading because he didn't push the NATO expansion agenda.

Biden arrived and his friends in the military industrial complex thought ching ching, time to clean up, let's trigger Putin to attack by expanding NATO and we can make a ton of money in the process.

Sadly for Ukraine and it's people it is now decimated and so many of them are dead.

Looking at the Biden policy and compare it to the Trump policy, I know which one made more sense for the security of the world....
What a load of bollox.
I'm not being funny mate but you think Ukraine still has a viable fighting force and hasn't been absolutely obliterated.

It has been a total, absolute slaughter and pushing and promoting the wild NATO expansion policy it's only going to get worse for everyone.

Stop it now. The grown ups have arrived it's time to call out the BS for what it is.
The typical tactics of the USA in overthrowing governments of other countries

1 freedom of speech
2 spread hatred between different ethnic groups
3 a Color Revolution
4 military strikes against anti USA regimes in the name of human rights

They use it in Ukraine. And Russians, they use the same playbook in Ukraine too!
So the Ukraine become a battleground, everybody die.
Sorry for that.
The typical tactics of the USA in overthrowing governments of other countries

1 freedom of speech
2 spread hatred between different ethnic groups
3 a Color Revolution
4 military strikes against anti USA regimes in the name of human rights

They use it in Ukraine. And Russians, they use the same playbook in Ukraine too!
So the Ukraine become a battleground, everybody die.
Sorry for that.
All the nut jobs are playing today!

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