Russian invasion of Ukraine

The Russians, not only putin, the whole ruling class of Russia, they have made up their mind to keep fighting till the end.
And the Russians, average joe, most of them stand with their government, for the mother russia.

But they don't.
Many young men left at the start of the war. Any dissenting voice is supressed/imprisoned or killed.
The "Elite" are falling out of windows.

Russians live in a world of fear and paranoia.

What do you mean fighting to the end?
What are they actually fighting against?
Russia has NEVER been under threat. Not from the US or "NATO".
Putin wanted to create a legacy.
If Russia stops tomorrow, the war ends. Not one bit of Russian soil is under any threat.
Stolen land might need to be returned though.

Answer me one question. Why did he invade Ukraine?
This question is impossible to answer. Even Russians cannot answer it.
This is because Putin has changed the reason almost on a monthly basis.
This isn't western propaganda. Research and find your own answers. You will see so many different reasons given direct from the Kremlin.
The only conclusion is there isn't a real reason, it is all just lies.
It is just a Putin vanity project. Nothing more, nothing less.
I don't have a solution. The solution will be decided by the US government, the military industry complex. When they start to feel they need to stop these things, to focus on other place, they will stop it.
We hope so.

The Russians, not only putin, the whole ruling class of Russia, they have made up their mind to keep fighting till the end.
What now, decide. "The Russians" can't say their free opinion or they find themselves somewhere in Siberia. You cannot know what they think. The leading mafia class - of course they say they want to fight for putin, he pays them.

And the Russians, average joe, most of them stand with their government, for the mother russia.
Goodness me. Let's have free elections and russia falls apart.

No way back, for Russia and Ukraine, it's too late.
The best way to stop a war is not to start it.
Nonsense. The best way to stop a war is winning it.
WW2 was stopped by beating Germany and finish the brutal Nazi system. Same should happen with the brutal russian system. In a smart way of course as their is a nuclear problem.

If you fail the election, then accept the result and try to do it better next time.
... says the Chinese. Surprise surprise.
Freedom is a dangerous weapon and yes, democracy has a lot of weaknesses. I'm fully aware of all the injustice western democracies are bringing into the world every single day. We have to change our way of life to level out global living standards if we want to manage or even avoid waves of migration.
But a brutal autocracy is certainly no alternative.
Not my words.....

These occupiers will feel our wrath. We are driving them off our land, meter by meter, kilometer by kilometer. The Cossacks from Azov set an example for all – our determination and bravery are unbeatable. There is no place for the enemy on our soil. They face only death and disgrace.

Slava Ukraini.
But a brutal autocracy is certainly no alternative.
In the russians mindset, USA is the world biggest brutal autocracy.
They believe their war is for "anti-west", or "anti hegemony".
They really believe it. And many people on this planet feel the same way.
I know people on this forum hate the "brutal autocracy", and they have an answer who is the "brutal autocracy".
But that answer in not the same answer for the people in other parts of the world!
That's it.

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