Russian invasion of Ukraine

i understand that, brother,
but we have to be careful with our words.

send them all back and send the buggers back is plain wrong.

they did what they could in their own country to object to what is going on.
it's not akin to holding up a placard in trafalgar square.
to protest in russia has very dangerous consequences and they know plenty of people who suffered them.

they had no choice but to leave.
i am not party to what they do,
they would be foolish to tell me,
but they continue their struggle outside of their own country.
they are not being cozied up to by putin.

so perhaps that explains why i reacted to the generalisation i read.
i shouldn't have spoken up.
it would've been easier that way.

slava ukraini.

I've said here many times that i feel sorry for the decent Russians. I've seen some very brave Russians openly condemning Putin despite the risks.
However, it is for those very same decent Russians to sort the Russians problems out.
Running away and feeling bad isn't enough. Russian problems need sorting out by Russian people.
Russia and it's people are very broken. Most don't even see what Putin is doing as wrong.

On the flip side, i'm not happy about some Ukrainians either. Many fighting age men and women fled the country at the start of the war. I can understand if they thought it was just going to be a massacre and a quick defeat.
However, that evidentilly isn't the case. So they should return and defend their country.
I even feel people like Zinchenko, should be made to return. Stood up crying on TV doesn't cut it with me.

You have people and aid workers from other countries dying for the Ukraine. I would consider banning any able-bodied fighting age Ukrainian from returning after the war (if i was Ukrainian etc!).
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No you should say what you think, aware that many do support him, home and away.

They may not "all be monsters" but it's sad how many support this, home or away.

The attacks of the last 2 days, are direct attacks on NATO, carried out knowing a major summit was happening, and done on a territory that is not NATO, and it shows putin and his country up for what they are, a parriah in the world.

Such a shame covid never visited him and his cohorts seriously.
i feel like i have derailed a thread that is quite rightly unanimously condemning this dreadful war.
i'm certain i've made it clear i'm no putin apologist,
but it wasn't my intention to anger people.

with hindsight (i've pondered over it for a few hours)
i think i was just offering a viewpoint as someone who has recently met a russian ex-pat
and wanted to say that talking with her has changed my opinion of what is black and what is white.

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