Russian invasion of Ukraine

Do you think they are trying to capture Kusrk or Bolograd, a major town?

Would take up so much resource that is needed elsewhere, better to stay mobile and control all the roads and railway lines. Forbes have calculated that 15k of Ukrainian soldiers are in Kursk right now, doubt they can take major towns and hold them.
A woman in Russia,who donated the equivalent of £40,to a charity that supports Ukraine,has been sentanced to 12 years in prison.

Slava Ukraini.
Would take up so much resource that is needed elsewhere, better to stay mobile and control all the roads and railway lines. Forbes have calculated that 15k of Ukrainian soldiers are in Kursk right now, doubt they can take major towns and hold them.
Forbes are well out mate.
Frontline is 300km.
Maybe they meant for the original push?

Slava Ukraini.
Forbes are well out mate.
Frontline is 300km.
Maybe they meant for the original push?

Slava Ukraini.

Reports were origianlly about 300-1000 for the 1st push, then up to 2k for supply lines ect. 15k in Kursk doesn't seem unreasonably low.

If Ukraine had amassed a large number of troops at the border it would have been easily spotted. so small then building up seems about right.

The Russian government has extended the ban on petroleum and diesel exports, along with aviation fuel.
The later is said to be in chronically short supply. The effect of the shortage is said to be causing shortages at air bases and has curtailed Russian air operations.
With harvest time due, diesel is in very high demand and imports are now essential to maintain supply.
It’s ridiculous that Russia has 44 massive refineries and a shortage of basic fuels. Clearly the Ukrainian drone strikes have had a career impact than anyone in Russia wants to admit. The general public are kept in the dark about the state of refineries - all they see is rising prices and a desperate effort to hide the realities.

The Analyst: MilStratOnX
It does seem high,i agree with that,but 15k seems too low.
A 300km frontline....15k,would mean 50 soldiers per km?

Slava Ukraini.

I don't think it's going to stay as a rigid frontline, they will stay mobile carry out their objectives and then fall back to new defense lines they will have prepared. Someone on reddit calculated the man power difference between when the Germans did it and Ukraine and it's insane and ballsy what they have done.
Would the nonce drop a tactical nuke on his own land? Probably not but just a thought I had.

Depends what you mean by drop. If you detonate a nuke at high altitude then afaik its blast might not reach the ground but it would create an EMP effect that could fry all electronics in a wide area. I would think that the first application or option for the usage of a nuke would pertain to such an "airburst", especially interresting if the enemy has a lot of drones and electronic warfare systems around that area.

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