Russian invasion of Ukraine

Putin’s piss is going to be boiling

We will be threatened with nuclear annihilation by the weekend. Yawn.
His little lap dog Medvedev will be penning the speech right now. Actually he’ll just be modifying one of his many, many previous ones.

Savaslieka air base was pretty much destroyed by a drone attack. These slow moving and quite large drones manage to fly huge distances and clearly have some kind of terminal image recognition system to hit their specified targets so accurately. They are often a seen manoeuvring into position. Mig-31’s are believed to have been destroyed and several damaged. One airfield is believed to have housed Mig-31K variants that carry Kinzhals to altitude. The destruction can be seen in this pre-post video.
The Russians claim they shoot down almost everything but they clearly don’t come close to doing so. The’ve even admitted the Pantsir systems are inadequate and have developed a smaller faster missile to attack drones. However it’s still limited by the system itself which can only sweep upwards 90 degrees and around 45 degrees of centre, let alone its reload time.
They have nothing like the Gepard which has proven to have a new lease of life in the anti drone role, and they certainly have nothing like the awesome Skynex system with its time detonator shells designed to fell multiple incoming.
The airfield destruction is particularly impressive and useful. The Russians are really feeling the consequences of the war in this aspect. Aviation is being steadily pushed back. Even more so as it was confirmed yesterday another Su-34 was downed by anti-air missiles. The Russians must be getting desperate as they used it in a close support role - something they rarely do these days.

‘The Analyst’ MilStratOnX
Slava Ukraine !

Got another big wall of text to post but I'll hang fire so I don't make the page massive.
The other prick is at it now.
Why has he used the word "enemy"?

"Belarus will use nuclear weapons if the enemy crosses the border of the Union state (Belarus and Russia). There will be no red lines, the answer will be instant", - Lukashenko

Slava Ukraini.
The other prick is at it now.
Why has he used the word "enemy"?

"Belarus will use nuclear weapons if the enemy crosses the border of the Union state (Belarus and Russia). There will be no red lines, the answer will be instant", - Lukashenko

Slava Ukraini.
The biggest enemy to Belarus is the **** who uttered those words.
Would take up so much resource that is needed elsewhere, better to stay mobile and control all the roads and railway lines. Forbes have calculated that 15k of Ukrainian soldiers are in Kursk right now, doubt they can take major towns and hold them.
Ok fair enough, but I guess they could destroy bridges railway lines comms ect
The other prick is at it now.
Why has he used the word "enemy"?

"Belarus will use nuclear weapons if the enemy crosses the border of the Union state (Belarus and Russia). There will be no red lines, the answer will be instant", - Lukashenko

Slava Ukraini.

Because its nondescript. Ukraine has already crossed the border of the Union state and no nuke. so it will be some nondescript 'enemy' to posture with

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