Russian invasion of Ukraine

Not my words....

Kursk Front Update:

The Russians are losing ground fast—at least five more settlements have fallen in just the past 24 hours. Ukrainian forces are closing in on the key Lgov highway, squeezing the enemy's supply lines tighter by the hour.

ZSU has entered Korenevo, and the city is now semi-encircled. With Ukrainian forces taking Tolpinsky to the north, the only road out of the city is under Ukrainian fire control. It's just a matter of time before the Russians abandon Korenevo in a chaotic retreat. ZSU has also taken Kromski Byki, Bolshoe Soldatskoe, and has moved dangerously close to Glushkovo. Fierce fighting is happening in all these areas, but it's already within the city limits. The security zone around Sudzha has also expanded by several kilometers.

Methodically, ZSU is cutting off Russian supply lines along the Glushkovo-Tyotkino road, which is now under Ukrainian fire control.

The territory under Ukrainian operational influence in Russia has expanded to 1,400 km². This isn’t full control yet, but the noose is tightening.

Another 200 Russian soldiers were captured in the last 24 hours, including some from the elite "Alpha" unit. Several border crossings have ceased resistance, relying only on drones and missiles from the rear to hold out. More prisoners are coming soon.

Heroyam Slava.

Cutting off supply lines will go a long way to wining the war in Ukraine.
Yesterday in Kursk Region,179 Russian troops surrendered.

Heroyam Slava.
I think this is part of Putins cunning plan. Rather than the soldiers be killed in the meat grinder in the desperate hope the Ukrainians run out of bullets he now gets them to surrender in the hope they run out of food
From "The Analyst":


The prisoner of war count spirals upwards - in a few days it’s gone from hundreds to a thousand and now stands at near two thousand. Most of them little more that college age kids forced into conscription without training or much equipment. Many of them are the sons of Muscovites and Petersburgers. This for Putin is a very big problem, their parents are the ones he can least afford to anger.
Across the Kursk region ‘ordinary’ Russians flee or face the sounds of sirens, their TV blaring out emergency alert signals they never imagined they would see or hear. Putin offered security in exchange for their political silence and acquiescence to his rule. Where is that security now? Women cry as they abandon their homes in little more than what they were warning. Evacuations are mandatory - if you stay you’ll be seen as a traitor. All of a sudden, the war that nobody much talked about, the harmless sounding Special Military Operation, has found its way into ordinary people’s lives.
This was never meant to happen.
One of the complaints voiced by Russians in the occupied and threatened zones and increasing more widely, is that the TV broadcasting shows game shows and soap operas and the news mentions nothing of their plight. It’s almost as if it isn’t happening and doesn’t matter. They express anger at the fact their lives and their state of affairs isn’t worth mentioning. The state doesn’t want anyone to see how far the problems have gone or how serious the situation actually is. The humiliation is palpable. And with good reason.
So far the Russian army has been singularly unable to create even one coherent point of resistance. Troops arrive near the front line and are decimated by waiting Ukrainian ambushes and quickly surrounded. It’s easy to surrender. What’s the point in fighting something like this without any backup?
One Russian brigade is said to have ditched its commander and deputy and refused to fight.
The Chechens fled as soon as they were faced with real combat.
For Ukraine the problem is getting out the POW’s quickly and efficiently- sending them out of harms way to camps in Ukraine where their value as bargaining chips to get back their own people is highest.
Shockingly many are actually wanting to stay and join the Free Russia forces. Ukraine will vet them and then decide if that’s permissible, or if they stay in the pool of exchange troops.
The conscripts are a big issue for Putin. It’s illegal they be used in combat with less than four months of training and full equipment. Few have either. Some have been forced to sign contracts - again against Russian law - and that’s caused its own backlash.
Reality is hard to ignore. Even in Moscow concerned citizens were speaking to the one BBC journalist the Kremlin allows - and their tone has changed. They know the war isn’t what they’re told it is.
As Ukrainian forces race to gain more land and the strategic impulse behind the operation gains momentum still, Russia scrambles to get troops into the field. Moving them is a massive and slow undertaking. And it’s one they’re not very good at.
For now Ukrainian spearheads push east and south east - looking for Russians, encircling them and awaiting their surrender.
Nobody knows how far or where this is all going. The morale boost is enormous - easy conquest is always like that.
Yet still nobody really quite knows why they do this. But it feels good all the same.

‘The Analyst’ MilStratOnX
Slava Ukraini !
It is so refreshing to read SPIDERBOY's and others' updates about Russian armour and convoys being destroyed... from within Russia.

The West needs to up their game. Give them the ammo, give them the armour, because it sounds like they've got the momentum needed to end this, or at least force Putin to the negotiating table on Ukraine's terms, not his.

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