Russian invasion of Ukraine


Putin has give himself another stupid objective - I really don’t understand why he does this in public. It’s just setting himself up for a very public humiliation and embarrassment.
I can’t think of a single time he has ever had one of his objective dates met yet. The war was meant to be over in 7 days max, how many times was the Bakhmut deadline passed? Or any of the others like Chasiv Yar? So now he sets October 1st as the deadline for expelling Ukraine from Kursk. 42 days away yesterday, or six weeks.
How by any stretch of the imagination does he think that’s possible? Somebody is feeding that man a bucket load of lies. Such is the problem for autocrats, especially one who thinks the internet is a CIA plot and can’t use a computer.
Ukraine has clearly well prepared the area west of the Kursk salient for a quick occupation. The Russians at Tectino abandoned it quickly and blew up the crossings over the river so they couldn’t be followed. However they’re completely exposed from the south and have just one pontoon bridge way to the north east they can escape from. And they know that won’t happen. So quite how much resistance in this area of some 600kmsq they put up seems minimal.
The latest estimate for the Russian forces trapped in the area south of the river Seym due to ‘bridge closures’ - is as high as 3,000. This only matters to the Ukrainians because they want those conscripts as prisoners. Their value is three times that of a contract soldier. Literally. That’s how the negotiations work on prisoner exchange. Russia hands over roughly 1 Ukrainian for three contract soldiers they don’t care about, but 3 Ukrainians for 1 conscript soldier. Parents of conscripts are very unhappy. This much is becoming very clear. They tend to be ‘proper’ Russians from the big cities and there are rules about their use. After Afghanistan conscripts were barred from deploying in combat zones without 4 months of intensive training and being fully equipped. That hasn’t been happening in Kursk. They shouldn’t even have been deployed as frontier guards because their training wasn’t completed. Russian parents are seeing their sons used against the law of the land - being broken by Putin and his underlings. It’s a source of intense anger. Putin isn’t keeping his word on this - and so much more they’ve heard about - but this is now affecting them directly. That is what matters. It’s a byproduct of the Kursk operation that digs right into the heart of Russian society.
Military action continues to expand the occupation zone.
The SBU and Ukrainian Defense Forces conducted the largest drone attack on Russian military airfields so far in Voronezh, Kursk, Savalsleika, and Borisoglebsk, aiming to disable these sites from launching strikes on Ukraine. Russian sources reported significant damage, particularly at Savalsleika, where multiple explosions were reported. Yet again there wasn’t an air defence unit to be seen, further exposing the weakness of Russian airspace security. The reason for the attacks was a growing Russian effort to launch glide bomb strikes on suspected military targets across the Kursk supporting Sumy region. As many as 42 bombs per day have been hitting the oblast.
The targets were aircraft themselves, fuel and ammo storage sites along with supporting warehousing and maintenance hangers.
At least 1 Su-35 was quickly identified as destroyed along with many buildings on one air field. Close up satellite images have yet to be released.
Russian military routine continues to be its own enemy- along with a disinclination to reveal facts about the war that might encourage alternate behaviour - another example of how dictatorship and image preservation matter more over people’s lives.
This resulted in a HIMARS strike believed near Kursk city itself, where Russian trainees - forced to stand outside every morning at their training ground for the daily command address - were obliterated in one go. CONT…
Elsewhere the vast oil storage facility at Proletarsk near Rostov has continued to burn - now over 10,000msq of its is ablaze and there’s no hope of the Russians putting it out. Fire services in Russia just aren’t equipped for this kind of thing. Most of the time they just stand and film it - which is useful for analysts! This site was a critical diesel and petrol distribution site expressly used by the Russian army for frontline operations. The Ukrainians haven’t bothered with storage depots as much in the past because getting them to ignite is harder than you’d think. Small warheads might start a fire in one tank but they don’t often spread. Bigger drones and warheads however initiate a much bigger explosion - if you can start several tanks off burning at once it’s far more likely to split others with flame engulfing consequences.that’s what has happened here.
Elsewhere the front is not so good. New York has apparently fallen to Russian forces, they’ve made advances near Chasiv Yar and Hradivka, and push slowly on towards Toretsk.
Putin has ordered the Kursk operation be terminated without changing the objectives of the central front. Clearly the Russians have no intention of being distracted while they think they’re winning in this critical area. Kursk is embarrassing but from Moscow’s perspective it’s not a game changer. Just one more of the strategic dilemmas this operation places in front of us.
It still takes up much of the reporting time and is everyone’s focus - to the detriment of what’s happening in the centre.
Yet still, it’s incredibly difficult to see what real difference the Kursk operation is going to make - it clearly isn’t going to end the war militarily. It seems hard to imagine how it’s going to change it at all. Politically it’s very uncomfortable for Putin and his regime. But other than that where is this really making a difference other than boosting morale? It’s the long term defence that will become the issue. And we’re not there yet.

‘The Analyst’ MilStratOnX
Slava Ukraine !
Proclamation From the all powerful Gimp Lord:
I have ordered that Ukraine for es are expelled from Russia by October 1.

Of course he failed to mention what year, but there you go.

Did you know Ukraine is actually fighting within the borders of the Ukraine Republic, 1919 edition?
The majority language in the area is Ukrainian.
Absolute stupidity by the Russian armed forces advancing single units without support on their flanks.

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