Russian invasion of Ukraine

Fuel production in Russia is going Kaput.

both cracking plants at Omsk are supplied by a Swedish company - I.e not Russian.
On the 25th April a fire badly damaged one plant. The fire was started by Ukrainian saboteurs.
The damage has not been repaired because cracking unit parts are supplied by a Swedish company and Russia is under sanctions.
On the 26th August a new Ukrainian long distance drone took out the other plant.
You need one operational plant to supply the whole refinary.
Production if all oil based products was suspended on the 27th August. Unsuprising as there are no longer any cracking plant capacity.
In one fell swoop 10% of all Petrol, Gasoline, Kerosene (plane fuel) and other oil products in Russia ceased to be available.
Estimates indicate that prior to the hit 20-25% of Russian fuel production had been stopped due to Ukrainian action.
It is now 30-35%.
Prices are rising and shortages are being reported.
For example, Russian airline fuel is now strictly limited to 30 mins of extra fuel per flight and there is now no room for error on landing

So why, i hear you say, do I report this?
Well, another 3 or 4 hits on Russian refining capacity and the war is essentially over as Russian logistics just collapses.

Unless of course Russia can find someone to buy fuels from. Iran seems the obvious candidate, but in this scenario, the Russian economy takes a huge financial hit instead.
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