Russian invasion of Ukraine

In all seriousness, I think it <warning people of the destructive power of nuclear weapons> is a fuck of sight more helpful than telling people it's really nothing to worry about and we'd get over it.
How is it helpful? During the 7 milliseconds where one’s brain thinks “wow that’s bright” before being vaporised, which part of one of your warning posts will save the day?
Think that’s already been confirmed as a Ukrainian tank that last control
Any link for that? I've seen reports that it's unclear whether it's Russian or Ukrainian, but none that confirm it either way. The fact that it comes to a standstill on the car suggests that it could be though. If you were deliberately running over a car, I reckon you'd just plough on.
There’s a video from another angle that shows a firefight (if you can call it that) going on just before this, just off screen on the left of the video posted here.
A Ukrainian truck (said to be being driven by saboteurs) comes under fire from civilians and slows to a stop. One guy tries escaping but is shot again and essentially executed. The vehicle in the posted video above enters the frame and looks like it swerves to avoid the firefight, before running over the car.

Either way it’s a very messy situation, possible friendly fire by untrained civilians in the first altercation, possibly both Ukrainian vehicles driven by saboteurs, possibly just lost control in panic?

Apparently the driver of the car is OK so I guess that’s the most important thing
Because they won and don’t think there’s propaganda in their own country, same with all the German rapes by soviets forces, or Japanese PoW. Was only Hitler that was bad you see. People generally don’t do any research and believe what they’re told in the media.
You get a very good understanding of how misinformation is recycled over and over again by people trying to improve their own reputation as ITK by reading David Yallop's book about Carlos the Jackel. His media reputation still lives on but Yallop proves that he was mercenary a murderer and an idiot not a revolutionary and a clinical terrorist. He was tolerated because of his reputation in the media as a result of so called journalists and experts just repeating what someone else had said without checking the facts.
Did about 10 minutes this morning on RT (broke my record) and some presenter was calling out the EU on banning RT as an assault on civil liberties and impartiality. There are some top talent writers working in that organisation that could really help turnaround the BBC's fortunes in comedy programming.
Watched a fair bit of RT (along with BBC, Sky and Aljazeera) over the last couple of days.

Constant regurgitation of the following:-
2014 was a US/EU backed coup
Nato + increased offensive capabilities near Russian borders
Nato backing
Human Shields
west suppressing freedom of speech
EU dont have authority to enact sanctions or enforce no fly zones
Illegal this, that and the other
Disregard of due process
Disregard of existing international laws

Quite amusing to watch, whereas i found Aljazeera quite fair and balanced.
This Ukrainian Ambassador to the UN has gone well off the usual script here, asking people to raise their hands if their country voted for Russia to be members of the UN and is insinuating they should be kicked out.
This Ukrainian Ambassador to the UN has gone well off the usual script here, asking people to raise their hands if their country voted for Russia to be members of the UN and is insinuating they should be kicked out.
I thought his insinuation was that Russia is not a legit member.
Edit:. My bad, that is what you are saying
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Interesting read on possibly why it seems russia has underestimated things. Its quite a few different tweets so need to keep loading extra replies to see it all.

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