Russian invasion of Ukraine

It’s NEVER been a REQUIREMENT and only ever been a suggestion:

(Emphasis added because you like to post like that)
Emphasis noted, and more of a COMMITMENT than a SUGGESTION.

“In 2006, NATO Defence Ministers agreed to commit a minimum of 2% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to defence spending to continue to ensure the Alliance's military readiness.”

NATO website


OCTOBER 21, 2020

Ten NATO members now meet 2% defense spending benchmark, but not Germany.

Military spending among the U.S.'s allies in Europe and Canada increased for the sixth consecutive year, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Wednesday.

Military spending among the U.S.'s allies in Europe and Canada increased for the sixth consecutive year, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Wednesday. But Germany spent only 1.57% of gross domestic product on its military, the report said.

Germany’s defense spending was cited as a reason for issuing a directive to pull nearly 12,000 U.S. troops out of the country, although a plan to do so is still being developed by the Pentagon and it is unclear when a withdrawal would happen.

Ten of NATO’s 30 members were estimated to be spending at least 2% of their GDP on their militaries, up from only three in 2014, the report said.

“We expect this trend to continue,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters.

NATO members have been under intense pressure to ramp up defense spending by the Trump administration. It increased by 4.3% among European allies and Canada for the year, Stoltenberg said.

Collectively, NATO members including the U.S. spent roughly $1.03 trillion on defense for 2020, said the report, which was released a day ahead of a meeting of NATO defense ministers, including U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper, where spending will be on the agenda, Stoltenberg said.

In 2014, when allies agreed that all members should meet NATO’s 2% spending level by 2024, only the U.S., Greece and the United Kingdom were in compliance. Now, NATO data shows Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, France and Norway meeting the target.
Oh right - yep I'll wast my time reading a lood of polically biased, poorly written and unfunny cheap point scoring. Think I 'll carry on observing something more pressing. Take it somewhere else or another time perhaps.
How about you read the thread you gammon c*#t. You might learn something about the scum you vote for.
If you are ever in a position to have to worry about being able to run three miles in four minutes I can help to allay your fears; you can't. :-)

I remember the sirens, our school had one on a tall pole; eerie sound, especially as WW2 was still reasonably fresh in our parents generations minds and by association ours.

In my dreams, I would always get as far as Claremont Road and then the bomb would go off.

In reality, my dad would probably have been stood in his usual corner at the City Social Club having his final pint, than waiting to see if I could better Sir Roger Bannister with three one minute miles!!
Wow. This report on the 6pm news with the sirens going off in the background is a pretty tough watch. You can hear the fear in the reporters voice as she’s talking to Clive. This ain’t ending well is it

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