Russian invasion of Ukraine

China are making an arse load from the west, don't see why they'd upset that apple cart.
China uses a large amount of that money on its military why would it do that they have plenty for defence but keep growing. War would alow them to take over Taiwan for resources and maybe Japan. Putin is putting over the idea to these supporting countries that the west is bullying them and making them second rate countries to serve them. There is a lot of anger amongst certain countries to the west Russia North Korea Iran ect
Putin is obviously up shit creek without a paddle and this is a desperate attempt to turn things around nobody believes will work.

He's losing the war, and responding with a half hearted "partial" mobilisation. It'll make no difference. He'll declare these referendums successful and the invaded territory Russian, and threaten all sorts if Ukraine/Nato continues to attack them. Ukraine will continue, and Putin will not respond because he lacks the resources to do it.

His army has been routed twice, his Navy had its flagship sunk and his airforce is scared to fly.

If he were able to retaliate, he would already have done so.

He's a man without a plan. Keep supporting Ukraine.
It is always the case, it was an will be the case. Allowing these fuckers to exist has been an existential threat since the fall of the USSR and continuing to allow them will be an even bigger one. At some point, we got to stop acting like fucking petals and pull up our big boy pants and actually slap them.

It is obvious he is not backing down. It is obvious he is border line insane. We stood on the side and watched Hitler ready himself for a long time and acted too late.

We cannot allow this again.

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