Gary Neville

I didn't watch that last night as I cannot stand the pair of them, but I have just done so now and wished I hadn't bothered. Spitty is irrelevant to me as he just spouts bullshit and seems to see everything from a hypocritical 'Leverpoool' point of view, but ratboy is one sinister little prick who is constantly evaluating his opinion to suit his own agenda.

Sure, you can see where his allegiances lie, but he is desperate to get other teams sanctioned and rules put in place to even the playing field for the old guard. He said it himself he wants it back to how it used to be and wants to use the plight of the Ukraine to stop this unfair, 'state owned' money coming into the game. He spent more time waffling about the likes of Newcastle and City than he did about the real issue of Chelsea's ownership.

So in effect, the bullshitting bastard who seems to make it up as he goes along, aided and abetted by spitty who keeps setting ratboy up as some kind of fucking oracle on the subject, when in fact he is just buttfucked hurt at the likes of City and possibly in the future Newcastle taking his beloved rags champions league space in the years to come. He even mentioned how only the dippers were happy with their owners out of the top five and then mentioned 6 teams. He's not gonna mention his beloved rags in that as their owners have spunked over a billion pounds of interest and dividends to themselves and shareholders in the last ten years. He's a total prick.

The fact that Sly give these two hypocritical knobs to keep pushing this 'football has to change' bullshit tells you right where their allegiances are set in stone.

The American way.
The legal basis for freezing abramovich's assets I still can't get my head around, but the motive is clear. The west categorises abramovich as a robber baron, a kind of old time Chicago hoodlum, with Putin as gangster boss, whose wealth is nothing more than ill gotten gains, like a bank robber, except he stole his money from the Russian people and as the leader of his gang has now crossed the line and invaded Ukraine, the government has seized his loot.

No one is saying that the money that flows in to Newcastle or City is ill gotten, what they're saying is that in Saudi and the UAE a form of state capitalism exists. Large private companies, in the way we understand them, don't exist in the Gulf and any company of any size has to have a titular high ranking Saudi or Emirati at its head, and as these countries are semi feudal societies these high ranking individuals often wear many hats, one of which will be governmental, so there is a direct link between large companies and the state via these individuals, in our case Sheikh Mansour, and therefore these companies, so the story goes, are complicit in the actions of the state.

But think on this.

The west is engaging in economic warfare with Putin, thousands of huge privately owned western companies no longer trade with Russia! Hang on a minute, how can free market capitalist countries do this? How can Biden or Macron or Johnson walk to a podium and declare this state policy? This isn't communist North Korea, this isn't feudal UAE with their "state" run companies! There's a huge divide between the state and the free market in the west! Companies are not servants of the state! They can do as they please!

Yeah, right.

Pot meet kettle.

There are many levers a western government can use with sanctions and one of its biggest is its gargantuan size as an economic player. It's important to recognise that government expenditure in western economies is huge, France 62% of GDP, Germany 51%, UK 50% even the USA 46%. If western corporations want to do business, they tow the line when the government requires it. I've no doubt Biden didn't have to call Boeing to pull the plug on Russia, because if Boeing wanted to do business with the US government in the future, it made that decision itself. You don't need a politician, royal or otherwise, at the head of a corporation to make it do the state's bidding, western capitalism with shareholders and what not can and will do the same if they're "motivated".

What Neville is saying, in a completely unfocused way, is the UAE is "motivated" by sportswashing and as we're state owned we're an organ of that state, directed by Sheikh Mansour and consequently the purchase of City was not a simple investment decision, but an important piece in a state run propaganda campaign, a massive PR exercise to improve the global appeal of the UAE. But in reality the UAE has nothing to sportswash. The country has been a desirable destination for a number of high profile sporting events for decades and get this! 16.73 million tourists in 2019! 460,000 western expats live there, 3,200 foreign companies are based there. Neville's best mate Beckham has a home there, Carraghers beloved Liverpool has a football academy in Dubai.

In a nutshell Caragher and Neville are idiots.
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A friend of mine is in the Abercronbie on Bootle St at the moment. He's chatting to the barmaid who's told him that the pub is now owned by Giggs and ratboy... and that they're in there often.

I don't know why anyone would be interested in this... I just thought I'd tell you all.

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